Open Access BASE2019

Localization and Point Cloud Based 3D Mapping with Autonomous Robots ; Otonom Robotlarla Lokalizasyon ve Nokta Bulutu Tabanlı 3B Haritalama


In this study, localization and environment mapping application is aimed with an autonomous robot. A new algorithm is presented to scan a larger area, to produce faster and more accurate results. The mapping process is intended not to be affected by environmental movements. It can be used in military areas to gain manpower in the mine area or to model the environment in virtual reality applications. In autonomous robot design, the horizontal and vertical angle values of the Lidar Lite V3 are provided by two servo motors. A fourwheeled car model was used. Ultrasonic sensors are placed on the front, right and left surfaces of the robot, Raspberry Pi 3 and Pi Camera was placed on top. It is seen that the moving average filter removes the noise generated on the map. The Lidar Lite V3 was able to take measurements at longer distances. Noise generation is prevented by motion detection algorithm. It can be used in interior space mapping, environment modeling, virtual reality applications, military areas, mining sector and graphic applications. In outdoor mapping, it can be used to create a map of an area of 40 meters in diameter. The mapping process was performed as close to the actual values by using the moving average filter and the Lidar Lite V3. The mapping process with the motion detection system is paused and actual position data are obtained using GPS. ; Bu çalışmada otonom bir robot ile çevre haritalaması ve konum takibi yapılması amaçlanmıştır. Daha geniş bir alanın taranması, daha hızlı ve doğru sonuçların üretilmesi amacıyla yeni bir algoritma sunulmuştur. Haritalama işleminin ortam hareketlerinden etkilenmemesi amaçlanmıştır. Askeri alanlarda, maden alanında insan gücünden kazanç sağlamak veya sanal gerçeklik uygulamalarında ortam modeli çıkarmak amacıyla kullanılabilmektedir. Otonom robot tasarımında iki adet servo motor ile Lidar Lite V3'e yatay ve düşey açı değerleri verilmiştir. Dört tekerlekli bir araba modeli kullanılmıştır. Robotun ön, sağ ve sol yüzeylerine birer ultrasonik sensör ve üzerine ...

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