Open Access BASE2016

Between gender and space impacts.Geographies of colorectal cancer screening in Boulogne-Billancourt and Gennevilliers. ; Entre effets de genre et effets de lieux. Géographies du dépistage du cancer colorectal à Boulogne-Billancourt et Gennevilliers (92)


To which extent does the concept of gender can be strategic to understand links between health and territorial dynamics ? The following study aims to investigate this topic by analyzing the attendance at colorectal cancer screening sessions and its promotion in the Hauts-de-Seine (Paris region). We draw a comparison between the towns of Boulogne-Billancourt and Gennevilliers, and two of their popular districts, based on quantitative (attendance rates to screening sessions) and qualitative data (observations, semi-structured interviews). Among the findings it appears that spatial and gendered disparities regarding colorectal cancer screening vary depending on the places studies and do not reflect the unequal distribution of social classes. The analysis of health-seekink behaviors to general pratictioners _ a key actor of this screening programm _ highlights spatial representations and practices wich are specific to the contexts in Boulogne-Billancourt and in Gennevilliers, as well as wommen and men. This study of the promotion of colorectal cancer screening also enables us to better understand the ways these towns and districts are developed and organized (type and network of political, professional and associative stakeholders). In addition, the study stresses on the necessity to take gender into account when it comes to the analysis of local implementations of a national public health policy. Lastly, professional brackgrounds, dominant social norms and spatial dynamics are an integral part of general practioners's representations and practices. ; Dans quelle mesure le concept de genre constitue-t-il une clé de lecture pertinente pour comprendre les dynamiques sanitaires inscrites dans un territoire donné ? Cette thèse propose de répondre à cette interrogation en analysant la participation au dépistage organisé du cancer colorectal et sa promotion dans les Hauts-de-Seine (92). Les villes de Boulogne-Billancourt et de Gennevilliers, ainsi que deux quartiers populaires de chacune d'elles sont comparés à partir de ...

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