Open Access BASE2019



Not Available ; The land resource inventory of Mundrigi microwatershed was conducted using village cadastral maps and IRS satellite imagery on 1:7920 scale. The false colour composites of IRS imagery were interpreted for physiography and these physiographic delineations were used as base for mapping soils. The soils were studied in several transects and a soil map was prepared with phases of soil series as mapping units. Random checks were made all over the area outside the transects to confirm and validate the soil map unit boundaries. The soil map shows the geographic distribution and extent, characteristics, classification, behavior and use potentials of the soils in the microwatershed. The present study covers an area of about 411 ha in Koppal taluk and district, Karnataka. The climate is semiarid and categorized as drought - prone with an average annual rainfall of 662 mm, of which about 424 mm is received during south–west monsoon, 161 mm during north-east and the remaining 77 mm during the rest of the year. An area of about 89 per cent is covered by soils and 11 per cent is covered by others (Habitation and Settlements). The salient findings from the land resource inventory are summarized briefly below.  The soils belong to 8 soil series and 14 soil phases (management units) and 3 Land Management Units.  The length of crop growing period is 150 cm).  An area of about 48 per cent area in the microwatershed has loamy soils and 40 per cent clayey soils at the surface.  An area of about 57 per cent area has non-gravelly (0.75%) in 84 per cent area and medium (0.5-0.75%) in 4 per cent area of the microwatershed.  Entire cultivated area of the microwatershed falls under high (>57 kg/ha) in the available phosphorus content.  An area of about 12 per cent is low (337 kg/ha) in available potassium.  Entire cultivated area of the microwatershed falls under low (4.5 ppm) and 23 per cent is deficient (1.0 ppm) in the available manganese content.  Entire cultivated area of the microwatershed is sufficient (>0.2 ppm) in the available copper content.  Entire cultivated area of the microwatershed is sufficient (>0.6 ppm) in the available zinc content.  The land suitability for 31 major crops grown in the microwatershed was assessed and the areas that are highly suitable (S1) and moderately suitable (S2) are given below. It is however to be noted that a given soil may be suitable for various crops but what specific crop to be grown may be decided by the farmer looking to his capacity to invest on various inputs, marketing infrastructure, market price and finally the demand and supply position. Land suitability for various crops in the microwatershed Crop Suitability Area in ha (%) Crop Suitability Area in ha (%) Highly suitable (S1) Moderately suitable (S2) Highly suitable (S1) Moderately suitable (S2) Sorghum 172(42) 17(4) Sapota 98(24) 114(28) Maize <1(<1) 189(46) Pomegranate 98(24) 114(28) Bajra 175(42) 51(12) Guava 95(23) 117(28) Groundnut 95(23) 219(53) Jackfruit 98(24) 114(28) Sunflower 95(23) 80(19) Jamun 95(23) 116(28) Cotton 95(23) 93(23) Musambi 98(24) 114(28) Red gram 95(23) 79(19) Lime 98(24) 114(28) Bengalgram - 189(46) Cashew 95(23) 167(40) Chilli 172(42) 17(4) Custard apple 175(42) 189(46) Tomato 172(42) 17(4) Amla 175(42) 189(46) Brinjal 79(19) 234(57) Tamarind 95(23) 21(5) Onion <1(<1) 314(76) Marigold 95(23) 94(23) Bhendi <1(<1) 314(76) Chrysanthemum 95(23) 93(23) Drumstick 98(24) 166(40) Jasmine 95(23) 93(23) Mulberry 98(24) 252(61) Crossandra 95(23) 93(23) Mango 95(23) 3(1)  Apart from the individual crop suitability, a proposed crop plan has been prepared for the 3 identified LMUs by considering only the highly and moderately suitable lands for different crops and cropping systems with food, fodder, fibre and other horticulture crops.  Maintaining soil-health is vital for crop production and conserve soil and land resource base for maintaining ecological balance and to mitigate climate change. For this, several ameliorative measures have been suggested for these problematic soils like saline/alkali, highly eroded, sandy soils etc.,  Soil and water conservation treatment plan has been prepared that would help in identifying the sites to be treated and also the type of structures required.  As part of the greening programme, several tree species have been suggested to be planted in marginal and submarginal lands, field bunds and also in the hillocks, mounds and ridges. That would help in supplementing the farm income, provide fodder and fuel, and generate lot of biomass which in turn would help in maintaining the ecological balance and contribute to mitigating the climate change. FINDINGS OF THE SOCIO-ECONOMIC SURVEY  The survey was conducted in Mundrigi is located at North latitude 150 16' 58.624" and 150 14' 44.725'' and East longitude 760 12' 48.228'' and 750 11' 55.13" covering an area of about 411.61 ha coming under Mallikeri, Kunakeri and Lachananakeri Villages of Koppal taluk.  Socio-economic analysis of Mundrigi micro watersheds of Karkihalli subwatershed, Koppal taluk & District indicated that, out of the total sample of 34 total respondents, 16 were marginal, (47.06 %) were small 4 (11.76%), 5 (14.71 %) were Semi medium and 4 (11.76 %) were medium farmers.  The population characteristics of households indicated that, there were 103 (58.19%) men and 74 (41.81 %) were women.  Majority of the respondents (40.68%) were in the age group of 16-35 years.  Education level of the sample households indicated that, there were 29.94 per cent illiterates, 32.20 per cent of them had primary school education, 11.86 per cent middle school education, and 9.60 per cent high school education, 5.65 per cent of them had PUC education, 0.56 per cent of them had Diploma, 1.69 per cent attained graduation.  About, 82.35 per cent of household heads practicing agriculture and 17.65 per cent of the household heads were engaged as agricultural labourers.  Agriculture was the major occupation for 31.64 per cent of the household members.  In the study area, 82.35 per cent of the households possess katcha house.  The durable assets owned by the households showed that, 70.59 per cent possess TV, 29.41 per cent possess mixer grinder, 85.29 per cent possess mobile phones and 38.24 per cent possess motor cycles.  Farm implements owned by the households indicated that, 11.76 per cent of the households possess plough, 20.59 per cent possess bullock cart and 20.59 per cent possess sprayer.  Regarding livestock possession by the households, 8.82 per cent possess local cow and 2.94 per cent possess buffalo.  The average labour availability in the study area showed that, own men and women labour availability in the micro watershed was 15.45 each, while the hired labour (men) availability was 1.82.  Further, 67.65 per cent of the households opined that hired labour was inadequate during the agricultural season.  Out of the total land holding of the sample respondents 54.77 per cent (35.53 ha) of the area is under dry condition and the remaining 45.23 per cent area is irrigated land.  There were 20.00 live bore wells and 20.00 dry bore wells among the sampled households. 2  Bore/open well was the major source of irrigation for 58.82 per cent of the households.  The major crops grown by sample farmers are Maize, Bajra, Groundnut, Cotton, Paddy, Pearl millet and Redgram and cropping intensity was recorded as 91.29 per cent.  Out of the sample households 52.94 percent possessed bank account and 52.94 per cent of them have savings in the account.  About 52.94 per cent of the respondents borrowed credit from various sources.  Among the credit borrowed by households, 11.11 per cent have borrowed loan from co-operative/Grameena bank.  Majority of the respondents (100.00%) have borrowed loan for agriculture purpose.  Regarding the opinion on institutional sources of credit, 100.00 per cent of the households opined that credit helped to perform timely agricultural operations.  The per hectare cost of cultivation for Maize, Bajra, Groundnut, Cotton and Redgram was Rs.51685.51, 24587.06, 47833.51, 33857.89 and 12779.58 with benefit cost ratio of 1:1.00, 1: 1.40, 1: 1.30, 1: 1.80 and 1:4.30 respectively.  Further, 17.65 per cent of the households opined that dry fodder was adequate and 14.71 per cent of the households have opined that the green fodder was adequate.  The average annual gross income of the farmers was Rs. 59020.59 in microwatershed, of which Rs. 40667.65 comes from agriculture.  Sampled households have grown 28 horticulture trees and 35 forestry trees together in the fields and back yards.  Regarding marketing channels, 61.76 per cent of the households have sold agricultural produce to the local/village merchants, while, 23.53 per cent have sold in regulated markets.  Further, 85.29 per cent of the households have used tractor for the transport of agriculture commodity.  Majority of the farmers (52.94%) have experienced soil and water erosion problems in the watershed and 58.82 per cent of the households were interested towards soil testing.  Fire was the major source of fuel for domestic use for 100.00 per cent of the households.  Piped supply was the major source for drinking water for 79.41 per cent of the households.  Electricity was the major source of light for 97.06 per cent of the households.  In the study area, 50.00 per cent of the households possess toilet facility.  Regarding possession of PDS card, 100.00 per cent of the households possessed BPL card. 3  Households opined that, the requirement of cereals (58.82%), pulses (55.88%) and oilseeds (20.59%) are adequate for consumption.  Farming constraints experienced by households in the micro watersheds were lower fertility status of the soil (52.94%) wild animal menace on farm field (70.59%), frequent incidence of pest and diseases (26.47%), inadequacy of irrigation water (11.76%), high cost of fertilizers and plant protection chemicals (35.29%), high rate of interest on credit (20.59%), low price for the agricultural commodities (11.76%), lack of marketing facilities in the area (29.41%), inadequate extension services (11.76%), lack of transport for safe transport of the agricultural produce to the market (29.41%), Less rainfall (52.94%) and Source of Agri-technology information (Newspaper/ TV/Mobile) (20.59%). ; Watershed Development Department, Government of Karnataka (World Bank Funded) Sujala –III Project




ICAR::National Bureau of Soil Survey and Land Use Planning, Regional Centre, Bengaluru & Watershed Development Department, Government of Karnataka (Sujala-III Project)

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