Open Access BASE2019

LEAD Farmer Based F2F Extension Model : Role of Krishi Vigyan Kendras and Technology Adoption Determinants for Enhancing Model's Effectiveness ; Not Available


Not Available ; A study was undertaken in collaboration with eight Krishi Vigyan Kendras (KVKs) of Rajasthan state. For data generation five Learning & Experience based Advisor (LEAD) farmers were selected by each KVK, employing socio-metric technique. Hence, data were solicited from 40 LEAD farmers from eight districts who were trained by KVKs. Role of KVKs were determined based on their Index Value (IV). Study reveals that KVKs played an important role in skill development of LEAD farmers through organisation of need based and skilloriented trainings (IV=62) followed by frontline demonstrations on location specific agricultural technologies at farmers' fields (IV=59.42), and developing linkages between LEAD and fellow farmers (IV=58.33). Key determinants accountable for enhancing effectiveness of this model were enhanced technology adoption ( I V = 6 0 . 1 3 ) f o l l o we d b y e n h a n c e d agricultural production (IV=57.48) and productivity (IV=57.10). Study reveals that one LEAD farmer adopted 5 agricultural technologies from KVKs. Further, fellow farmers adopted 2 agricultural technologies from LEAD farmers. Hence, it was concluded that this approach may play a significant role in complementing Indian public extension system through reducing cost and coverage of more farm families. This model needs community as well as government support for sustainability and its scalability. ; Not Available

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