Open Access BASE2012

FARM PONDS A Climate Resilient Technology for Rainfed Agriculture


Not Available ; Rainfed agriculture constitutes 55% of net sown area in the country. The annual average rainfall of the country varies from 400 to more than 2000mm varying in both space and time. In low to medium rainfall rainfed regions, the occurrence of high intense rainfall events with the short duration are very common causing the soil erosion. Hence, the efficient rain water management is necessary to improve water productivity and protect the natural resource base in rainfed regions. Farm pond technology has very good potential for implementation in different schemes of state or central government. The present technical bulletin addresses the issues based on practical experiences with respect to planning, design and construction of farm ponds. The authors are indeed grateful to Dr. A. K. Singh, DDG (NRM), ICAR, New Delhi, for his constructive suggestions during his visit to GRF. We are also thankful to Dr G. R. Korwar, Head, Division of Resource Management, CRIDA, Hyderabad for his guidance and cooperation for undertaking the construction of farm ponds at Gunegal Research Farm. Some of the Scientists namely Dr. V. Maruthi, PS (Agronomy), Dr. Gopal Krishna Reddy, Scientist (Horticulture), Dr. P. K. Mishra, Director, CSWCRTI, Dehradun, have provided data related to critical stages and rainfall for whom we are thankful and grateful. We also acknowledge the support and suggestions in pond lining given by Er. G. V. Ramana Reddy, M/s Sagar Agro Services Centre, Nalgonda. We are also indebted to the field personal working at Gunegal Research Farm, namely Sri V. Sreeramulu, Farm Superintendent (T9), A. Chandraiah, (T3), Sri B. Kurmaiah, Field Technician (T1), K. Rajeshwar, (T1), P. Ramakrishna, Skilled worker and other staff like SSGs, Temporary staffs labours etc for their whole hearted support and cooperation in the execution and lining of farm ponds at GRF. Lastly, the authors acknowledge the support and encouragement given by the Director, CRIDA and Principal Investigator, NICRA project. The support and help rendered by the administrative staff and finance departmental staff for publication of the present bulletin is fully acknowledged. ; Not Available





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