Open Access BASE2017

'Tiha sila'. Uloga pravnoga obrazovanja u discipliniranju mađarskoga i hrvatskoga plemstva 1760-ih ; The 'Quiet Force': The Role of Legal Education in the Disciplining of the Hungarian and Croatian Nobility in the 1760s


Promatrajući habsburšku obrazovnu politiku prema mađarskom i hrvatskom plemstvu 1760-ih kroz perspektivu bečkog suda, autorica analizira pokušaje bečkog dvora da nadvlada suprotstavljene interese tradicionalnih struktura vlasti i protomoderne države. Kako je Habsburška Monarhija preuzimala kontrolu nad obrazovanjem u drugoj polovici 18. stoljeća, obrazovanje se usmjeravalo na sadržaje koji favoriziraju interese vladarskog suverena te pokušaji "političkog discipliniranja" postaju sastavni dio nastavnog materijala. Te su tendencije postale osobito istaknute u reformi pravnog obrazovanja kroz koje se tada definiraju odnosi između vladara i staleža, između države i njezinih stanovnika, kao i prava i obveze političkih subjekata, s naglaskom na značenje javnog dobra, blagostanja i potreba vremena. Obrazovna politika bečkog dvora u 1760-ima predstavljala je preokret u povijesti pravnog obrazovanja u Mađarskoj i Hrvatskoj, kao i razdoblje utvrđivanja novih obrazovnih standarda za javne službenike. ; Examining the Habsburg educational policy towards the Hungarian and Croatian nobility in the 1760s through the perspective of the Vienna Court the author analyses the Court's attempts to overcome conflicting interests of the traditional structures of the estates and the proto-modern state. With the Vienna Court assuming control over education in the second half of the 18th century, tendencies began to appear focusing education on contents that favour the interests of the ruler's sovereignty and attempts to 'politically discipline' become a constituent part of teaching material. These tendencies became especially prominent in the reform of legal education through which relations between the ruler and the estates, between the state and its inhabitants as well as the rights and obligations of political subjects were defined, with emphasis on the meaning of public good, prosperity and necessities of time. The Vienna Court's education policy in the 1760s presented a turnabout in the history of legal education in Hungary and Croatia and a period of assertion of new educational standards for public servants.

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