Open Access BASE2018



Feature article explores the contradictions and the social and political transformation of society, the historical, political, ethnic and cultural trends of the nation and the state in Ukraine. Analyzes the complexity of transition processes, which, on the one hand to explain the strengthening of the regulatory role of the state, but on the other – the development of civil society, provides for privatization of social institutions, the reduction of state influence on them. We study the phenomenon of ideology in the context of the phenomenon of totalitarianism and the destructiveness of stabilization mechanisms in the processes of nation-building. The person is under the powerful influence various spheres of the psyche. While man exists as a gregarious being, consciousness it is absolutely not necessary, because its life is governed by the collective, that is at the level posado system of rituals and ancestral traditions. The man who is at the level of the mythological, archetypal images, does not separate himself from the family and community do not perceive themselves as distinctive, peculiar individual and unique being, capable of creativity and freedom and, especially, not able to understand itself as politically responsible, empowered individuals (i.e., citizen). Therefore, the richer, more developed is the inner world of man, the farther it is removed for limited local framework of collective mythological unconscious, moving to the level of personal consciousness, identification with himself. Ethnic groups, which established the national state, made up in this situation, the combination of the tribal community and the political and legal unity. Nation in this case acts as the people of the state as the bearer of supra-national state sovereignty. The nation as a political and civil community acquires its identity not in ethnic-cultural similarities, but in practice citizens, regardless of their social class. Thus the carrier of state sovereignty becomes every person, not only a certain social stratum. Man as a citizen aware of their own intrinsic worth and value of their state due to the possibility of personal fulfillment, which provides thus the United society. The nation as a higher stage of existence of the ethnic group, it changes the shape of people's thinking with mythological political.Key words: ethnicity, nation, mentality, mentality, civil society, state, democracy, patriotism. ; Стаття досліджує особливість та суперечливість соціально-політичної трансформації суспільства, історичні, політичні, етнічні та культурні тенденції розвитку націотворення і державності в Україні. Аналізуються складнощі перехідних процесів, які, з одного боку, зумовлюють зміцнення регулюючої ролі держави, а з іншого – розбудова громадянського суспільства передбачає роздержавлення соціальних інститутів, зменшення державного впливу на них. Досліджуються механізми стабілізації і деструктивності у процесах національного державотворення.Ключові слова: етнос, нація, психіка, ментальність, громадянське суспільство, держава, демократія, патріотизм. Статья исследует особенность и противоречивость социально-политической трансформации общества, исторические, политические, этнические и культурные тенденции развития нации и государственности в Украине. Анализируются сложности переходных процессов, которые, с одной стороны, предопределяют укрепление регулирующей роли государства, а с другой – развитие гражданского общества, предусматривает разгосударствление социальных институтов, уменьшение государственного влияния на них. Исследуются механизмы стабилизации и деструктивности в процессах построения национального государства.Ключевые слова: этнос, нация, психика, ментальность, гражданское общество, государство, демократия, патриотизм. Feature article explores the contradictions and the social and political transformation of society, the historical, political, ethnic and cultural trends of the nation and the state in Ukraine. Analyzes the complexity of transition processes, which, on the one hand to explain the strengthening of the regulatory role of the state, but on the other – the development of civil society, provides for privatization of social institutions, the reduction of state influence on them. We study the phenomenon of ideology in the context of the phenomenon of totalitarianism and the destructiveness of stabilization mechanisms in the processes of nation-building. The person is under the powerful influence various spheres of the psyche. While man exists as a gregarious being, consciousness it is absolutely not necessary, because its life is governed by the collective, that is at the level posado system of rituals and ancestral traditions. The man who is at the level of the mythological, archetypal images, does not separate himself from the family and community do not perceive themselves as distinctive, peculiar individual and unique being, capable of creativity and freedom and, especially, not able to understand itself as politically responsible, empowered individuals (i.e., citizen). Therefore, the richer, more developed is the inner world of man, the farther it is removed for limited local framework of collective mythological unconscious, moving to the level of personal consciousness, identification with himself. Ethnic groups, which established the national state, made up in this situation, the combination of the tribal community and the political and legal unity. Nation in this case acts as the people of the state as the bearer of supra-national state sovereignty. The nation as a political and civil community acquires its identity not in ethnic-cultural similarities, but in practice citizens, regardless of their social class. Thus the carrier of state sovereignty becomes every person, not only a certain social stratum. Man as a citizen aware of their own intrinsic worth and value of their state due to the possibility of personal fulfillment, which provides thus the United society. The nation as a higher stage of existence of the ethnic group, it changes the shape of people's thinking with mythological political.Key words: ethnicity, nation, mentality, mentality, civil society, state, democracy, patriotism.




Vìsnik HarkìvsʹKogo NacìonalʹNogo Pedagogìčnogo Unìversitetu ìmenì G.S. Skovorodi. Fìlosofìâ; Вісник ХНПУ імені Г. С. Сковороди "Філософія



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