Open Access BASE2018



The article analyzes the trends of tourism in Ukraine during process of gaining and building an independent state; the author emphasizes the high tourist (natural, cultural, historical, etc.) potential of Ukraine, readiness of Ukrainians for cooperation and mutual knowledge with other peoples and cultures; Among the main areas authors singles out and analyzes water tourism, sports tourism, recreational tourism, etc., which in turn makes it possible to provide health and medical services of diversified nature and in connection with this, to cover a large segment of potential consumers. Ecological tourism is a type of tourism that is carried out in an environment preserved by human with the aim of understanding the nature and recreation. It is based on natural resources, love of nature, the desire to understand it in order to protect and increase biological diversity. The tourist activity in cities of our country is becoming more common. There is a growing proportion of urban areas, where tourism has now become a basic point of funding local budget. In recent years the number of such cities is constantly increasing. But to support the development of this type of tourism there is a need to attract both local and state authorities. For successful implementation of these tasks there is a need for appropriate legislation regulating the tourism business, providing significant financial resources for the functioning of the tourism industry, development and expansion of relationships with other countries in area of tourism. In addition, for the effective functioning of tourism it is necessary to make reasonable choice of perspective directions of development of tourism, which must be based on their profitability, social and cultural significance.Key words: human, culture, tourism, values of interaction, the conditions and opportunities of tourism. ; Аналізуються напрями туристичної діяльності України в період здобуття та розбудови незалежної держави; автор підкреслює високий туристичний (природний, культурний, історичний і т.д.) потенціал України, налаштованість українців на взаємодію і взаємне пізнання з іншими народами та культурами; серед основних напрямів виокремлюється та аналізується водний туризм, спортивний туризм, рекреаційний туризм і т.п., що у свою чергу дає змогу надавати оздоровчо-лікувальні послуги найрізноманітнішого характеру і взв'язку з цим, охоплювати великий сегмент потенційних споживачів.Ключові слова: людина, культура, туризм, цінності взаємодії, умови та можливості туризму. Анализируются направления туристической деятельности Украины в период получения и развития независимого государства; автор подчеркивает высокий туристический (природный, культурный, исторический и т.д.) потенциал Украины, настрой украинцев на взаимодействие и взаимное познание с другими народами и культурами; среди основных направлений выделяется и анализируется водный туризм, спортивный туризм, рекреационный туризм и т.п., в свою очередь позволяет предоставлять оздоровительно-лечебные услуги разного характера и в связи с этим, охватывать большой сегмент потенциальных потребителей.Ключевые слова: человек, культура, туризм, ценности взаимодействия, условия и возможности туризма. The article analyzes the trends of tourism in Ukraine during process of gaining and building an independent state; the author emphasizes the high tourist (natural, cultural, historical, etc.) potential of Ukraine, readiness of Ukrainians for cooperation and mutual knowledge with other peoples and cultures; Among the main areas authors singles out and analyzes water tourism, sports tourism, recreational tourism, etc., which in turn makes it possible to provide health and medical services of diversified nature and in connection with this, to cover a large segment of potential consumers. Ecological tourism is a type of tourism that is carried out in an environment preserved by human with the aim of understanding the nature and recreation. It is based on natural resources, love of nature, the desire to understand it in order to protect and increase biological diversity. The tourist activity in cities of our country is becoming more common. There is a growing proportion of urban areas, where tourism has now become a basic point of funding local budget. In recent years the number of such cities is constantly increasing. But to support the development of this type of tourism there is a need to attract both local and state authorities. For successful implementation of these tasks there is a need for appropriate legislation regulating the tourism business, providing significant financial resources for the functioning of the tourism industry, development and expansion of relationships with other countries in area of tourism. In addition, for the effective functioning of tourism it is necessary to make reasonable choice of perspective directions of development of tourism, which must be based on their profitability, social and cultural significance.Key words: human, culture, tourism, values of interaction, the conditions and opportunities of tourism.




Vìsnik HarkìvsʹKogo NacìonalʹNogo Pedagogìčnogo Unìversitetu ìmenì G.S. Skovorodi. Fìlosofìâ; Вісник ХНПУ імені Г. С. Сковороди "Філософія



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