Open Access BASE2019



В статті досліджується розвиток землеробства та народних промислів на Східній Слобожанщині, як матеріально-технічна основа економічної модернізації цих українських етнічних земель протягом другої половини XIX – початку XX ст. Вивчається глибокий шар соціально-економічних та соціокультурних питань розвитку Слобожанщини, робиться спроба новаторського вирішення багатьох господарських проблеми. Створюється цілісна концепція впливу ринкової еволюцію землеробства і народних промислів на прискорення процессу українського національного відродженні на землях Східної Слобожанщини.Ключові слова: Східна Слобожанщина, українське національне відродження, українські етнічні землі, соціально-економічний розвиток, хліборобство, народні промисли, ринкова трансформація. В статье исследуется развитие земледелия и народных промыслов на Восточной Слобожанщине, как материально-техническая основа экономической модернизации этих украинских этнических земель на протяжении второй половины XІX - начала XX ст. Изучается глубокий пласт социально-экономических и социокультурных вопросов развития Слобожанщины, делается попытка новаторского решения многих хозяйственных проблемы. Создается целостная концепция влияния рыночной эволюцию земледелия и народных промыслов на ускорение процесса украинского национального возрождении на землях Восточной Слобожанщины.Ключевые слова: Восточная Слобожанщина, украинское национальное возрождение, украинские этнические земли, социально-экономическое развитие, хлебопашество, народные промыслы, рыночная трансформация. The article deals with the development of agriculture and crafts in the Eastern Slobozhanshchyna as the material and technical basis for the economic modernization of these Ukrainian ethnic lands during the second half of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century. Studying a deep layer of socio-economic and socio-cultural issues of development of Slobozhanshchyna, an attempt is made to innovate the solution of many economic problems. A holistic conception of the influence of the market evolution of agriculture and folk crafts on the acceleration of the process of Ukrainian national revival on the lands of the Eastern Slobozhanshchina is created. The statement of the research problem is determined by the fact that the phenomenon of the East-Sloboda region, which gave the European civilization a number of highly developed in terms of quality to farmers and crafts, due primarily to the rich ethno-cultural and production traditions of the Ukrainian population of the Kursk and Voronezh provinces. There is no doubt that Ukrainian folk art, being the foundation of national culture, is directly dependent on the level of development of the spiritual culture of Ukrainian society, always remains an important form of identification of the Ukrainian national revival. Conclusions and perspectives of further research. Having analyzed the scientific works and sources on the chosen theme, one can conclude that in the historical and cultural heritage of Eastern Slobozhanschyna, the functional and semantic value of agriculture and handicrafts was their inextricable connection with the life of the local Ukrainian ethnic population. Products of farmers, handicraftsmen and artisans were part of the decoration of the dwelling, decorated the clothes, participated in the formation of the aesthetic tastes of the person, they taught to love and appreciate the national culture of the Ukrainian people. Ukrainian folk masters of the Eastern Slobozhanschyna significantly contributed to national self-awareness, ensured the spread of traditions of Ukrainian folk culture. People's masters called their great role in the spiritual and political life of the society, attracted the views of the advanced, nationally conscious part of the Ukrainian intelligentsia, which deployed the process of national-cultural revival of Ukraine. The collection and study of samples of folk crafts and handicrafts impress aesthetic perfection, stylistic diversity. It turned out that during the second half of the XIX - early XX centuries. Handicrafts and crafts of the Ukrainian population of the Eastern Slobozhanshchyna, despite the development of machine production, did not lose its importance in the ethno-cultural space of Ukraine. In the conditions of Ukrainian national revival, the second half of the XIX - the beginning of the XX century. became the period of the highest development of handicapped cells in that part of the territory of the Kursk and Voronezh provinces, inhabited by ethnic Ukrainians. During this period, small industrial production of the Eastern Slobozhanschyna as an essential component of the Ukrainian national economy and culture developed in the extremely favorable conditions of the market transformation of the entire Dnieper Ukraine. We can state that for Ukraine the second half of the XIX - early XX century. The process of realizing the ideas of national revival was characteristic. In these conditions, folk masters of the Eastern Slobozhanshchyna set themselves the main goal of preserving Ukrainian national identity, traditional folk culture and language, popularization of Ukrainian history, the transfer of Ukrainian folk production traditions to children, and so on. That is why the nationally conscious part of the Ukrainian intelligentsia and zemstvo figures also saw their task in the first place to preserve the "soul of the Ukrainian people", to show the national character of folk art; and secondly, to help the handicraft industry in difficult economic conditions. It is thanks to the funds allocated by zemstvos and agricultural associations that the local Ukrainian-Ukrainian folk artists managed to popularize traditional handicrafts not only All of this cultural richness of the Eastern Slobozhanshchyna requires its preservation and development. Modern processes of globalization and unification, often leading to the erosion of national culture, the destruction of traditions, the massive introduction of mass culture, make us look for new, adequate modern conditions for the form of preservation and translation of ethnic values, put forward special requirements for the motivational field of ethnic belonging. However, in the New Independent Ukraine, national identity in the national-industrial terms is often unclaimed. Our study suggests that Ukrainian society should understand that all types of economic activities of the Ukrainian population of the Eastern Slobozhanshchyna are national heritage and spiritual wealth. Therefore, their preservation, revival and development as part of the national heritage of the Ukrainian people should become one of the priorities of the state policy of Ukraine. In the conditions of the Ukrainian national revival of traditions, the eastern-slubozhanskaya economic classes had a tremendous influence on the character of the formation of stylistic features of Ukrainian, Russian and world small industrial production. Combination of national traditions and innovations, stylistic features and creative improvisation, collective beginnings and views of the individual, handmade artistic products and high professionalism during the second half of the XIX - early XX centuries. became characteristic features of the creative work of Ukrainian folk artists, who were fortunate to live on the lands of the Eastern Slobozhanshchyna.Key words: Eastern Slobozhanschyna, Ukrainian national revival, Ukrainian ethnic lands, socio-economic development, agriculture, folk crafts, market transformation.




History and Geography; Історія та географія



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