The main economic function of the university is associated with providing the organizations-economic operators with new highly qualified personnel. The formal grounds of professional ethos of high school teacher should first be: an adequate level of professional competence in a particular field of scientific knowledge, adequate pedagogical skills, high level of reflectivity and especially moral consciousness of the teacher, educational services market presence, a sufficient level of economic development, formation of basic communities involved in the use of professional competence of university lecturer (most professors, students, customers qualified university graduates, university administration etc.). Market society gave commercialism problem in education providing the industrial scale, that even post-industrial technologies are unable to overcome. The main economic benefit of university activity should evaluate in the terms of capital turnover - but, above all, symbolic capital, then social capital, then economic (including financial), and then all other forms of capital that one can imagine – political or any more. University produces and reproduces meanings – these meanings drive development of society in general, including economic. The situations of social interaction then becomes the foundation that creates institutions not formally, but informally and continuously: this generation is comparable to the democratic way of doing business every day as opposed to participation in democratic elections just once every five years. The model of conversation sets the thematic certainty, not just grammatical correctness of communication. So, for our study it refers to the specific educational ethical values that may limit some and stimulate other economic actions with specific educational ethics. These rules are in its most specific so that the better they work in education - the worse they can be applied in other fields such as politics, law, religion or any other. Therefore the use of this approach to education focuses on general research not of social norms, but of the specific educational standards, and within the education system is not to create a specific "institutional educational sub-world" as a variation of the overall institutional world that "rutinize" educational practice, but to study existing forms of educational communication to the (in Luhmann's terms) contingence in the course of educational interactions, which combines binding behaviors and casualty select from these options, ie a combination of situational over-situationality. This over-situationality appears not as typization of available, but as the identification of its selective character. The fact that certain educational practices used in various educational circumstances does not mean that it is a typical or even successful, or some certified algorithms for solving educational problems. The same educational practice may be the answer to a completely different educational situations that have only a few identical components, which revealed sensitive for such practice. Accordingly, it can be more or less successful depending on how these "sensitive" components are crucial for any givensituation. This applies to the comparison of educational ethics norms with no-educational, and a variety of ethical standards. However, on educational standards - there should still be own, especially "sensitive"components in each case, ie in particular also has its own economic behavior ethics in education. The main economic criterion in the selection of education applicants is estimation of the prospects of the applicant as a future professional. Hardly anyone who participated in some role (as applicant or a member of the selection committee) in the admission campaign in university might argue that this particular economic criterion could be only partly formalized and contains a significant proportion of ethical (or unethical) ratio selection committee to the applicant . And this ethic is directly related to economic calculation - even when it is not aware of the selection committee members or the university administration. If selection of applicants will be made successful, the economic component of education depends on – whether a student will be able to master the curriculum, or one will be expelled for academic failure, or find further place of employment, and therefore raise the market value or university and its business reputation, or vice versa, and so on.Keywords: university, values, ethical values, a high school teacher, economic function, professional ethos, professional competence ; Основна економічна функція університету пов'язана іззабезпеченням організацій-суб'єктів економічної діяльності новимивисококваліфікованими кадрами. До формальних підстав виникнення професійного етосу викладача вищої школи слід зараховувати передусім: достатній рівень фахової компетентності у певній царині наукового знання, достатній рівень педагогічної майстерності, високий рівень рефлективності і особливо моральної свідомості викладача, наявність ринку педагогічних послуг, достатній рівень розвитку економіки, сформованість основних спільнот, причетних до застосування професійної компетенції викладача університету (самої професури, студентства, замовників кваліфікованих випускників університету, адміністрації університету тощо). Ринкове суспільство надало проблемі меркантильності у наданні освіти індустріальних масштабів, які не в змозі перебороти навіть постіндустріальні технології. Основний економічний ефект від діяльності університету варто оцінювати мовою обертання капіталу – але, передусім, капіталу символічного, потім вже капіталу соціального, потім економічного (у тому числі фінансового), а вже потім усіх інших форм капіталу, які можна уявити – політичного чи будь-якого ще. Університет продукує і репродукує смисли – ці смисли рухають розвиток суспільства загалом, у тому числі й економічний.Ключові слова: університет, цінності, етичні цінності, викладач вищої школи, економічна функція, професійний етос, професійна компетенція.Основная экономическая функция университета связана с обеспечением организаций-субъектов экономической деятельности новыми высококвалифицированными кадрами. К формальным основаниям возникновения профессионального этоса преподавателя высшей школы следует относить прежде всего: достаточный уровень профессиональной компетентности в определенной области научного знания, достаточный уровень педагогического мастерства, высокий уровень рефлексивности и особенно нравственного сознания преподавателя, наличие рынка педагогических услуг, достаточный уровень развития экономики, сформированность основных сообществ, причастных к применению профессиональной компетенции преподавателя университета (самой профессуры, студенчества, заказчиков квалифицированных выпускников университета, администрации университета и т.д.). Рыночное общество придало проблеме меркантильности в предоставлении образования индустриальных масштабов, которые не в состоянии преодолеть даже постиндустриальные технологии. Основной экономический эффект от деятельности университета стоит оценивать на языке обращения капитала – но, прежде всего, капитала символического, потом уже капитала социального, затем экономического (в том числе финансового), а уже потом всех форм капитала, которые можно представить – политического или какого-либо еще. Университет производит и репродуцирует смыслы – эти смыслы движут развитие общества в целом, в том числе и экономическое.Ключевые слова: университет, ценности, этические ценности, преподаватель высшей школы, экономическая функция, профессиональный этос, профессиональная компетенция.The main economic function of the university is associated with providing the organizations-economic operators with new highly qualified personnel. The formal grounds of professional ethos of high school teacher should first be: an adequate level of professional competence in a particular field of scientific knowledge, adequate pedagogical skills, high level of reflectivity and especially moral consciousness of the teacher, educational services market presence, a sufficient level of economic development, formation of basic communities involved in the use of professional competence of university lecturer (most professors, students, customers qualified university graduates, university administration etc.). Market society gave commercialism problem in education providing the industrial scale, that even post-industrial technologies are unable to overcome. The main economic benefit of university activity should evaluate in the terms of capital turnover - but, above all, symbolic capital, then social capital, then economic (including financial), and then all other forms of capital that one can imagine – political or any more. University produces and reproduces meanings – these meanings drive development of society in general, including economic. The situations of social interaction then becomes the foundation that creates institutions not formally, but informally and continuously: this generation is comparable to the democratic way of doing business every day as opposed to participation in democratic elections just once every five years. The model of conversation sets the thematic certainty, not just grammatical correctness of communication. So, for our study it refers to the specific educational ethical values that may limit some and stimulate other economic actions with specific educational ethics. These rules are in its most specific so that the better they work in education - the worse they can be applied in other fields such as politics, law, religion or any other. Therefore the use of this approach to education focuses on general research not of social norms, but of the specific educational standards, and within the education system is not to create a specific "institutional educational sub-world" as a variation of the overall institutional world that "rutinize" educational practice, but to study existing forms of educational communication to the (in Luhmann's terms) contingence in the course of educational interactions, which combines binding behaviors and casualty select from these options, ie a combination of situational over-situationality. This over-situationality appears not as typization of available, but as the identification of its selective character. The fact that certain educational practices used in various educational circumstances does not mean that it is a typical or even successful, or some certified algorithms for solving educational problems. The same educational practice may be the answer to a completely different educational situations that have only a few identical components, which revealed sensitive for such practice. Accordingly, it can be more or less successful depending on how these "sensitive" components are crucial for any givensituation. This applies to the comparison of educational ethics norms with no-educational, and a variety of ethical standards. However, on educational standards - there should still be own, especially "sensitive"components in each case, ie in particular also has its own economic behavior ethics in education. The main economic criterion in the selection of education applicants is estimation of the prospects of the applicant as a future professional. Hardly anyone who participated in some role (as applicant or a member of the selection committee) in the admission campaign in university might argue that this particular economic criterion could be only partly formalized and contains a significant proportion of ethical (or unethical) ratio selection committee to the applicant . And this ethic is directly related to economic calculation - even when it is not aware of the selection committee members or the university administration. If selection of applicants will be made successful, the economic component of education depends on – whether a student will be able to master the curriculum, or one will be expelled for academic failure, or find further place of employment, and therefore raise the market value or university and its business reputation, or vice versa, and so on.Keywords: university, values, ethical values, a high school teacher, economic function, professional ethos, professional competence
Vìsnik HarkìvsʹKogo NacìonalʹNogo Pedagogìčnogo Unìversitetu ìmenì G.S. Skovorodi. Fìlosofìâ; Вісник ХНПУ імені Г. С. Сковороди "Філософія
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