In the article the phenomenon of legal culture is considered in the plane of philosophical-pedagogical reflection. It considers achievements of the historical-philosophical, philosophical-legal and philosophical-pedagogical experience in the development of legal culture and legal education. The article emphasized humanistic potential inters subjective approach to understanding the educational component of the legal culture in a communicative perspective.The condition for the appearance of legal culture is the knowledge of the idea of justice, that is, education of legal culture linked with the knowledge of the idea of justice. People with desire for knowledge of this idea, the self-education of the "soul" develops the capacity for reasonable judgment and aesthetic sense of justice in political Affairs and private.The analysis of modern concepts of legal culture captures a wide field of contradictory tendencies the realization of this phenomenon. The pursuit of understanding of the legal culture in all its forms, which emerged in classical philosophy, manifests itself in the conceptual constructions of several types. The methodological setting emancipatory pedagogy and communicative philosophy allows you to find link between the existential and the normative-axiological facets of legal culture, to actualize its humanistic potential, to bring together the philosophical and methodological position of the lawyer and educator, comprehend the process of education of legal culture in all its complexity and contradictions, the specific historical, national-cultural and personal variability.Given the fact of self-worth and self-sufficiency of the individual, perspective is the study of people the formation potential legal culture in the context of communication philosophy.Key words: legal culture, legal education, philosophy of education, philosophical and legal discourse, emancipatory pedagogy. ; У статті феномен правової культури розглядається у площині філософсько-педагогічної рефлексії. Розглянуті здобутки історико-філософського, філософсько-правового та філософсько-педагогічного досвіду розробки проблем правової культури та правового виховання. В статті підкреслено гуманістичний потенціал інтерсуб'єктивного підходу до осягнення освітньої складової правової культури в комунікативній перспективі.Ключові слова: правова культура, правове виховання, філософія освіти, філософсько-правовий дискурс, емансипаторська педагогіка. В статье феномен правовой культуры рассматривается в плоскости философско-педагогической рефлексии. Рассмотрены достижения историко-философского,философско-правового и философско-педагогического опыта разработки проблем правовой культуры и правового воспитания. В статье подчеркнут гуманистический потенциал интерсубъективного подхода к достижению образовательной составляющей правовой культуры в коммуникативной перспективе.Ключевые слова: правовая культура, правовое воспитание, философия образования, философско-правовой дискурс, эмансипаторская педагогика.In the article the phenomenon of legal culture is considered in the plane of philosophical-pedagogical reflection. It considers achievements of the historical-philosophical, philosophical-legal and philosophical-pedagogical experience in the development of legal culture and legal education. The article emphasized humanistic potential inters subjective approach to understanding the educational component of the legal culture in a communicative perspective.The condition for the appearance of legal culture is the knowledge of the idea of justice, that is, education of legal culture linked with the knowledge of the idea of justice. People with desire for knowledge of this idea, the self-education of the "soul" develops the capacity for reasonable judgment and aesthetic sense of justice in political Affairs and private.The analysis of modern concepts of legal culture captures a wide field of contradictory tendencies the realization of this phenomenon. The pursuit of understanding of the legal culture in all its forms, which emerged in classical philosophy, manifests itself in the conceptual constructions of several types. The methodological setting emancipatory pedagogy and communicative philosophy allows you to find link between the existential and the normative-axiological facets of legal culture, to actualize its humanistic potential, to bring together the philosophical and methodological position of the lawyer and educator, comprehend the process of education of legal culture in all its complexity and contradictions, the specific historical, national-cultural and personal variability.Given the fact of self-worth and self-sufficiency of the individual, perspective is the study of people the formation potential legal culture in the context of communication philosophy.Key words: legal culture, legal education, philosophy of education, philosophical and legal discourse, emancipatory pedagogy.
Vìsnik HarkìvsʹKogo NacìonalʹNogo Pedagogìčnogo Unìversitetu ìmenì G.S. Skovorodi. Fìlosofìâ; Вісник ХНПУ імені Г. С. Сковороди "Філософія
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