Open Access BASE2015

Resource handling for military training networks


Connected devices are increasing steadily and the number of devices will in soon future be so massive that they are impacting the next generation of wireless standards and are already being considered in them. Machine-to-Machine (M2M) communications and Internet of Things (IoT) sub fields of wireless communications have developed lately with their own research fields and forums. Military training systems are using radio networks of connected devices to provide realistic combat training with new trends of multimedia streaming and lower traffic latency requirements. To facilitate further development of the networks a research goal is formulated to target the improvement of the network in the desired direction. The research goal is to answer how to provide energy efficient wireless communications within the framework of the military training application, meeting requirements of delay, number of network nodes and power efficiency for mobile devices and is broken down to three separate research questions that are each targeted separately as below. We have developed an admission control with real-time analysis for a single-frequency base station for mobile nodes with real-time traffic. This scope has been extended to an admission control for a multichannel base station where we also proposed a method on how to maximize the number of mobile nodes, with different traffic requirements including multimedia traffic, in the network. Finally a probabilistic model has been proposed for the Discontinuous Reception (DRX) power saving mechanism for LTE/LTE-A in the 4:th Generation (4G) telecommunications standard. It was also shown how to meet traffic delays while maximizing the power saving factor in the mobile nodes. ; Examiner: Professor Walid Taha, Halmstad University




Högskolan i Halmstad, Centrum för forskning om inbyggda system (CERES); Saab Training and Simulation, Huskvarna, Sweden; Halmstad : Halmstad University Press

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