Open Access BASE2021

Best Practice in der interprofessionellen Schwangerenvorsorge ; Best practice in interprofessional antenatal care


Background: Although the advantages of interprofessional care have been proven and pregnant women in Switzerland have free choice of caregivers, most of them are cared for exclusively by physicians. Objective: To collect expert knowledge on the factors determining success or failure of interprofessional collaboration between midwives and gynaecologists within antenatal care in Switzerland. Research question: What does best practice look like in interprofessional antenatal care provided by midwives and gynaecologists in Switzerland? Methods: Five semi-structured dyadic and group interviews with six midwives and five gynaecologists who provide interprofessional antenatal care in Switzerland. Interviews were transcribed verbatim and qualitative content analysis was applied. Findings: Information was acquired on best practice topics such as values , knowledge and context . A new topic, interpersonal relationships and workplace culture , emerged as an additional factor in the success of interprofessional antenatal care. Conclusions: There is no "best" form of internal organisation for interprofessional collaboration. What is more important is a clear concept, supported by all participants, and good interpersonal relationships among caregivers. The implementation of interprofessional collaboration presents political, economic, social and organisational challenges. ; Hintergrund: Obwohl die Vorteile von interprofessioneller Betreuung belegt sind und Schwangere in der Schweiz die Wahlfreiheit haben, wird die Mehrzahl ausschließlich von ärztlicher Seite betreut. Ziel: Darstellung von Expert*innenwissen zu Einflussfaktoren auf das Gelingen bzw. das Misslingen von interprofessioneller Schwangerenvorsorge durch Hebammen und Gynäkolog*innen. Forschungsfrage: Wie sieht Best Practice in der interprofessionellen Schwangerenvorsorge durch Hebammen und Gynäkolog*innen in der Schweiz aus? Methode: Fünf teilstrukturierte Gruppen- und Paarinterviews mit sechs Hebammen und fünf Ärztinnen, die in der Schweiz interprofessionelle ...

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