Open Access BASE2021

Creative Centre for Fluid Territories (CCFT) – Nomadic Online Dialogue 2 – New Fluid Territories - Displacement


As a result of the impact and focus of their contribution to Cyprus Buffer Fringe VII, 2020, eight members of the international interdisciplinary research group, the Creative Centre for Fluid Territories' (CCFT) were invited by the Festival Director to contribute to Cyprus Buffer Fringe VIII, 2021, through a collaborative and participatory project: Nomadic on-line dialogue 2: New Fluid Territories - Displacement. This project took four forms: - An online exhibition of mixed media artworks and written contributions generated through a process of invitation to 70 internationally dispersed, interdisciplinary contributors including artists, designers, architects, writers, sociologists, archaeologists, and educationalists. The works generated in response to the invitation were disseminated within a dedicated web portal in the public domain (Research Catalogue). See; – An exhibition of the contributions within the Home4Cooperation, Nicosia: a NGO focused on facilitating inter-communal dialogue in Cyprus located in the UN de-militarized Buffer Zone at the Ledra Palace crossing, Nicosia, between North and South Cyprus; – A PDF download of the contributions available through the Research Catalogue. See; – A hybrid symposium at the Home4Cooperation (online and in real life) organised by CCFT for the programme of weekend events for Cyprus Buffer Fringe 2021 (Saturday 9 October). Building on CCFT's relationship with Home4Cooperation and our contribution to Cyprus Buffer Fringe 2019, 'The Urban Glenti' [Urban Feast] and our Nomadic Online Dialogue 1, 2020, the works generated by CCFT members, along with invited other voices, expanded and explored the Cyprus Buffer Fringe 2021's theme of 'Displacement': whether personally, socially, culturally or politically; within the context of Cyprus but also internationally. The Exposition page created for the Research Catalogue became a container of dialectic thoughts, as well as a repository for documentation of the live events that formed part of the Buffer Fringe's 2021 programme. The intention being that the whole practice-led and dialogical process be read as a series of inter-related ideas, critical positions and visual relationships on the theme of displacement. Intercommunal Cypriot contributors to the Nomadic Online Dialogue 2: Hybrid Symposium hosted at the Home4Cooperation on Saturday 9 October 2021 were: Hosts: Ellada Evangelou (Home4Cooperation, Cyprus Buffer Fringe Director) Yiorgos Hadjichristou (CCFT, Professor of Architecture, University of Nicosia) Invited Participants: Aydin Mehmet Ali (intellectual activist, anti-racist and anti-militarist writer, translator, educationalist, traveller and cyclist) Maria Georgiou (Co-director of Public History) Elena Ioannidou (Associate Professor in Language Education and Sociolinguistics at the Department of Education, University of Cyprus) Stavros Karayiannis (Associate Professor of English at European University Cyprus) Despo Pasia (Art Educationalist) Neshe Yasin (Poet) Online – CCFT Members: Susan Brind (GSA) Jim Harold (Independent artist, Glasgow) Duncan Higgins (Prof, Nottingham Trent / Bergen University) Linda Lien (Independent designer, Norway) Andy Lock (Bergen University) Shauna McMullan (GSA) Johan Sandborg (Prof, Bergen University)

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