Open Access BASE1981

Angewandte Systemanalyse Nr. 24: Mögliche Entwicklung des weltweiten Ausbaus der Kernenergie unter Berücksichtigung wirtschaftlicher, gesellschaftlicher und politischer Aspekte


Accepting the fact that the growing world energy demand cannot be met in the long term without an increasing use of nuclear energy one has to pay more attention to its possible expansion and consequently also to the geographical distribution of nuclear plants in the world. Due to future large scale deployment problems may arise in the areas of uranium supply, waste disposal, nonproliferation, safeguards, acceptability, and nuclear transfer. Based on the World Energy Conference (1977) global energy scenario a country - by - country analysis has been made to evaluate the possible contribution of nuclear energy in each country within the next 40 years. Against this background the problems of the head- and tail-end of the nuclear fuel cycle are discussed in detail and compared with the international trade of nonnuclear fuels.




Kernforschungsanlage Jülich GmbH Zentralbibliothek, Verlag

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