Open Access BASE1954

Reveille 1954


Reveille is the yearbook of Fort Hays State University in Hays, Kansas. The Reveille began publication in 1914 shortly after William A. Lewis became President of Fort Hays Kansas Normal School. It was published annually, with the exception of 1918 and 1919. Those two editions were combined into one yearbook published in the spring of 1919. In 2003, it was recommended to the Student Government Association that the yearbook cease publication. The SGA Allocations Committee cut the Reveille from the budget in April of that year. In the fall of 2003, the publication, Tiger's Tale, replaced the Reveille. Tiger's Tale was a magazine-type publication consisting mainly of studentarticles and local business advertisements. The last issue of Tiger's Tale was publishedin the spring of 2008.

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