Open Access BASE2021

Rebooting multilateral trade cooperation : perspectives from China and Europe


Joint leadership by China and the EU to establish a balanced work programme spanning old and new issues of interest to all WTO members is necessary to safeguard the rules-based trade order. This book, a product of a Horizon 2020 research project (RESPECT), brings together essays written by teams of European and Chinese trade policy experts, who explore possible paths to revitalise the WTO. ; This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation Programme under the grant agreement number 770680. ; -- Contents -- Introduction, Bernard Hoekman, TU Xinquan, and WANG Dong -- Part 1. Cross-cutting institutional challenges -- 1. Reviving the negotiation function of the WTO: Why the onus falls on the three major powers, TU Xinquan and Robert Wolfe -- 2. Transparency and Local Subsidies in China and the United States, Simon J. Evenett and KONG Qingjiang -- 3. China, the European Union, and the WTO Dispute Settlement Crisis, LIAO Shiping and Petros C. Mavroidis -- 4. Special and differential treatment and developing country status: Can the two be separated?, Patrick Low -- 5. National security and other non-trade objectives under WTO law, CUI Fan, Catherine Hoeffler, and Stephanie C. Hofmann -- Part 2. Managing international competitiveness spillovers -- 6. Is it Possible to Promote an Agricultural Agenda in the WTO?, LU Xiankun and Alan Matthews -- 7. About Knowledge and Rulemaking: Reforming WTO Rules on Subsidies, LI Siqi and Luca Rubini -- 8. A Core Proposal for Reforming the WTO's Subsidy Rules, LIU Jingdong -- 9. What kinds of rules are needed to support digital trade?, Martina F. Ferracane and LI Mosi -- 10. Updating the General Agreement on Trade in Services, Bernard Hoekman and SHI Jingxia -- 11. The EU–China Comprehensive Agreement on Investment: A Model for Investment Coverage in the World Trade Organization?, Jürgen Kurtz and GONG Baihua -- 12. State-Owned Enterprises and International Competition: Towards Plurilateral Agreement, Bernard Hoekman and Andr Sapir -- 13. Climate Change, Trade Policy, and the WTO, ZHANG Jianping and XIE Zhiyu




CEPR Press

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