Foreword: Investing in creative industries
Due to the rapid changes and societal challenges, such as the need to create qualified employment for young people and to find new ways to develop territories through strategies of smart specialization, the Creative and Cultural Industries have been given great importance as a sector capable of empowering economic development and sustainable society. There are many examples of countries, regions and cities - territories - that have developed on the basis of the creative and cultural industries, and in many cases the role of Public Policies has been decisive. And with more practical evidence of visible and measurable results, it is certain that creative and cultural activity has definitely entered the agenda of governments and politicians; and although public discourse on its importance can often be part of politicians' marketing (because it is also good for the public image and generally investment in creativity and culture is well accepted by society), the truth is that in the last decade it has been produced technical and scientific knowledge that demonstrates a growing economic/commercial and symbolic/aesthetic value of creative and cultural activities.
Formalpress - Media XXI
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