Open Access BASE2013

Nuevos Medios y Bibliotecas: usos, prácticas y consumos culturales de nuevos medios en bibliotecas


The computerization and use of new media (internet, social media, mobile), technological and cultural consequences of globalization, have altered the production and circulation of information documents: has changed substantially the amount, format and the languages in expressed the texts and documents. The constant and monumental accumulation of highly professional documents required storage procedures, organization, retrieval and dissemination, while accessibility is regulated by public or private institutions: universities, research centers, documentation centers, libraries, archives, internet. Libraries have not been foreign to these technological changes have had to adapt to develop new information services, training and guidance mediated by ICTs, managing access to digital collections and take the challenge of applying emerging technologies such as Web Mobile, metadata, semantic web, etc. Libraries play a key role in the field of knowledge as their services are directly relevant to the processes of communication flow of documents called the "cultural industry" magazine, book, electronic text and multimedia, which commodification and cultural consumption is now undeniable. In this context the development of virtual reference services are essential to adapt to changing user needs. The recent interactive communication system has generated new modes of use, consumption and production that extends to all transmuting everyday social practices social imagery on communication and culture. The dissemination of knowledge and the development of computer communication habits, traditionally provided by schools and universities, libraries involving today as important agents of social innovation diffusion. Librarianship extension practices begin to play an important role in relation to public access to information, elimination of social inequality in the use of new media and the development of computer literacy. It has not been studied in depth the impact of the constant evolution of recent technologies in libraries. Libraries can influence particularly in countering inequality and the generation gap in the use of technologies with pro-social actions: opening access to multidirectional communication, bring services closer to users and advise on the selection circuits of information ( text and multimedia documents) and the knowledge management process, thus contributing to the democratization process of the use and consumption of new media.


Spanisch, Kastilisch


Escuela de Ciencias de la Información. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba

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