El archivo administrativo del Área de Urbanismo del Consell Insular de Mallorca en internet
The article describes the experience of automating all documentary information related to planning and urban development regulations on the island of Majorca, from the acquisition of the computer through the digitisation of the documents and their dissemination over the Internet. It is a pioneering experience in administrative archives, having begun in 1996. It is based on applying advanced techniques for conservation and for massive dissemination of documents that, from the moment of their creation, are classified for permanent conservation due to their juridical and administrative value as well as their historical value in the future. The technical work has been carried out on a large and important local government archive with the aim of combining the conservation of a large number of documents with a permanent service for both the local administration and for the general public. To this end, new technologies have been employed.
Spanisch, Kastilisch
EPI SCP, Barcelona, Spain
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