Open Access BASE2004

Effects of Concurrent Resistance and Aerobic Training on Load-Bearing Performance and the Army Physical Fitness Test


The purpose of this research was to determine the effects of high intensity endurance training (ET) and resistance training (RT) alone and in combination on various military tasks. Thirty-five male soldiers were randomly assigned to one of four training groups: total body resistance training plus endurance training (RT + ET), upper body resistance training plus endurance training [UB + ET), RT only, and ET only. Training was performed 4 days per week for 12 weeks. Testing occurred before and after the 12-week training regimen. All groups significantly improved push-up performance, whereas only the RT + ET group did not improve sit-up performance. The groups that included ET significantly decreased 2-mile run time, however, only RT + ET and UB + ET showed improved loaded 2-mile run time. Leg power increased for groups that included lower body strengthening exercises (RT and RT + ET). Army Physical Fitness Test performance, loaded running, and leg power responded positively to training, however, it appears there is a high degree of specificity when concurrent training regimens are implemented.


Edith Cowan University, Research Online, Perth, Western Australia

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