Open Access BASE2018

The artistic modeling of the ideal (based on the story "Chortomlytski legendy" of M. Chkhan). ; Художественное моделирование идеала (на материале повести «Чертомлицкие легенды» М. Чхана). ; Художнє моделювання ідеалу (на матеріалі повісті «Чортомлицькі легенди» М. Чхана)


The contemporary development of Ukrainian literature is marked with the considerable attention to historical subjects, particularly to the theme of the Cossacks and to the images of the leading Cossack leaders, among which an important place belongs to Ivan Sirko, famous Cossack ataman of 17th century. The object of the matter is the story of Dnepropetrovsk writer M. Chkhan "Chortomlytski legendy" which is dedicated to the figure of I. Sirko The composition of the work "Chortomlytski legendy" consists of twelve independent, completed stories with folk or historical background. The author defines them as the legends that can be explained by the formal and semantic criteria. The author of the article determines the genre of the work as the story in legends. Reproducing the image of Ivan Sirko, M. Chkhan reveals such of his features as sharp wit, courage and indisputable authority among the Cossacks. Sirko is depicted as a courageous warrior-sorcerer, whose glory was widespread far beyond Ukraine. The author focuses on ataman's patriotism and his respect for the principles of democracy and equality that also characterizes the entire system of relations in the Zaporozhye Sich. The author's ideal bearers are the Cossacks. Depicting the Cossacks the writer uses such national concepts as the Sich, steppe,the Dnieper, native land, wind, songs and also the conceptst containing the features of military involvement: a sword, a horse, brotherhood, dzhura. M. Chkhan represents the Zaporozhye Sich as a perfectly coordinated mechanism built on the military principles and ancient traditions. Cossacks appear not only brave but also smart, inventive soldiers. ; В статье рассмотрено художественное моделирование образа Ивана Сирко как идеала народного вождя, исследуется специфика характерообразования главного персонажа, проанализированно своеобразность осмысления образа казаков как носителей национальной идеи. ; У статті розглянуто художнє моделювання образу Івана Сірка як ідеалу народного вождя, виявлено специфіку характеротворення головного персонажа, своєрідність осмислення образу козаків як носіїв національної ідеї.




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