Open Access BASE2017

Природно-заповiдний фонд у структурі лісового господарства Дніпропетровської області ; Природно-заповедный фонд в структуре лесного хозяйства днепропетровской области ; Natural reserve fund in the structure of the forestry Dnepropetrovsk region


Детально проаналізовано кількісний та якісний склад сучасних категоріальних мереж природно-заповідного фонду, особливості їхньої структури для Дніпропетровської області та земель державного лісового фонду. Розглянуто таксаційну структуру деревостанів Robinia pseudoacacia L. – одного з найпоширеніших деревних видів лісових насаджень у межах об'єктів природно-заповідного фонду, підпорядкованих державному підприємству "Верхньодніпровське лісове господарство". ; Детально проанализированы количественный и качественный состав современных категориальных сетей природно-заповедного фонда, особенности их структуры для Днепропетровской области и земель государственного лесного фонда. Рассмотрены таксационные структуры древостоев Robinia pseudoacacia L. – одного из самых распространенных древесных видов лесных насаждений в пределах объектов природно-заповедного фонда, подчиненных государственному предприятию "Верхнеднепровское лесное хозяйство". ; Dnipropetrovsk region is one of the last places among regions of Ukraine in area of the natural reserve fund (NRF) and it's only 1,7 % that is extremely poor. This average index forUkraineis 5,7 %. Point of view, this situation cause by a variety of the reasons, the main of which are the considerable level of anthropogenic transformation of natural steppe ecosystems, the disturbance of soils, a developed industrial enterprises and inefficient government environmental policy. To determine the perspective of development of the natural reserve fund in Dnipropetrovsk region, which is located within the natural zones of Steppe of Ukraine, it is necessary to evaluate the contemporary structure and state of the NRF. Especially it is relevant for the analysis of NRF within of lands covered with forest vegetation. The forest within steppe zone is mainly of the artificial origin, and cannot represent the nature this zone. This is impossible without assessment the structure of NRF and the state of the autotrophic biotic component of protected ecosystems.The aim of this work is the analysis of the structure of natural reserve fund within of the forest the Dnipropetrovsk region and assessment forestry-biometric indexis of Robinia pseudoacacia stands within NRF of the Northern Steppe of Ukraine.Natural-reserved fund of the Dnipropetrovsk region presents 139 objects, total area of 57046,2 ha: of them of national and local significant – 30 objects (30,3 thousand ha) and local significant of 109 objects (26,7 thousand ha)Robinia pseudoacacia stands within the analyzed NRF occupy a lot part of the plantation area: "Velyka Zapadnya" – 66,1 %; "Balka Gostra" – 63,3 %; "Balka Gluboka" – 59,9%; "Urochyshe Paskove" – 45,9 %. The largest share of the area of protected objects Robinia pseudoacacia stands related to overmature age group with the total wood stock is 204,07 thousand m3.Quantitative and qualitative state of the natural reserve fund of the Dnipropetrovsk region is suboptimal and doesn't corresponmodern standards. The expansion of NRF is an urgent action, because the current levels of wilderness protection in this region is very distant from the European and cannot provide for the peculiar conservation of the natural flora and fauna and sustainable functional of the region's environment. But the increase the area of the protected objects and territories must will be on the land occupied by natural steppe ecosystems, but not on the artificial forests. Autotrophic component of ecosystems within a significant number of objects of natural reserve Fund, the subordinate DOLMG formed traducianism wood species with a high ecological valence – robno nesprawivaite prestigioso age. Conservation status of the objects of the NRF makes it impossible for the forestry measures, which leads to the formation of stands of poor sanitary condition and questioned the conservation value of these objects.




News of Dnipropetrovsk State Agrarian and Economic University; Вестник Днепропетровского государственного аграрно-экономического университета; Вісник Дніпропетровського державного аграрно-економічного університету

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