Open Access BASE2014



Статья посвящена изучению региональных особенностей демографических процессов в Республике Алтай. Прослеживается динамика демографических показателей рождаемости, смертности, естественного прироста в регионе за период с 1980 по 2012 г. Рассмотрены основные социальные факторы, воздействующие на процесс воспроизводства населения в регионе. Обращается внимание на ухудшение демографической ситуации (понижение уровня рождаемости и повышение уровня смертности) в 1990-е гг. под влиянием социальноэкономического кризиса в стране. Прослеживается стабилизация демографических процессов в регионе в 2000-е гг. (рост рождаемости, повышение коэффициента естественного прироста, понижение уровня смертности, в том числе младенческой) под воздействием улучшения социально-экономической ситуации в стране, государственных мер по стимулированию рождаемости, благоприятной возрастной структуры населения. Указывается на полиэтничный и преимущественно сельский состав населения Республики Алтай. Отмечается, что в регионе сильно выражена этническая дифференциация рождаемости. ; Purpose: The research is devoted to the study of regional characteristics of demographic processes in the Altai Republic. In accordance with the target set in the article include: to provide impetus in fertility, mortality and natural increase of the population of the Altai Republic since 1980 by 2012; identify the main social factors affecting the process of reproduction in the region; consider ethnic differences in fertility in the region. Results: Analysis of the dynamics of fertility in the Altai Republic shows that at the end of the 1980's, the birth rate in the region was relatively high. Higher fertility rates in the region have contributed to the favourable age structure of the population, and the adoption in 1981, special government regulations on encouraging the birth rate and new benefits for mothers and children. The effect of the Government's measures to stimulate the birth rate has been significant but short-lived. In the 1990 's, the birth rate in the Altai Republic have fallen significantly under the influence of the socio-economic crisis in the country. However, since the early 2000 's, there is a gradual increase in the birth rate by improving the socio-economic situation in the country, Government measures to stimulate the birth rate, favourable age structure of the population. Analysis of mortality in the Altai Republic shows that throughout the period under review, the region has been the high level of mortality. The main causes of mortality in the population of the Altai Republic is a circulatory system diseases, accidents, poisoning and injuries, oncological diseases. The Republic also historically remains very high infant mortality rate. Analysis of the dynamics of natural increase of the population of the Altai Republic shows that it is increasingly correlated not with the birth rate in the region and with the level of mortality. Natural growth is reduced in the first place, not because of the fall in the birth rate (fertility in the Republic so far exceed the all-Russian), and because of the high mortality rate. The study showed that an important influence on modern demographic development of the Altai Republic was formed so far fairly young age structure of the population, the multiethnic composition of the population and the low level of urbanization. Conclusion: Altai Republic is among the Russian regions with natural population growth. The birth rate in the country is the Altai Republic in fourth place. However, the dynamics of fertility in the region has expressed intent to reduce the mortality rate for many years exceeds the all-Russia indicators. Modern development of demographic processes in the Altai Republic is the general direction of the demographic changes taking place in the whole country. However, due to regional differences in the Altai Republic revealed some difference in the rate of change in the demographic behaviour of the population.


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