Security problem of the generation "Y" in Russia and in the countries of the Black Sea region have a special actuality in connection with alterations, nowadays taking place in the world geopolitical situation. Considering the character of occurrent events and their consequences, directly influencing on population employable part, it is necessary to consider possible threats and risks, which the young generation representatives can be subjected. The influence of occurred events in the values formation context of young people generation first was considered by the American sociologists Neil Howe and William Strauss in 1991. Under the "Y" population they understood people, born from 1984 to 2003, characterized by deep involvement into digital technologies. Nowadays the given generation of young people is in the frustration state in consequence of discrepancy of wishes to existing possibilities, among which are available education, privileged accommodation, financial independence, presence of high-paying job. In the period of economic stability the problems can be solved and soften, then in connection with the economic crises in Russia, unstable economic situation, inflation they are considerably complicated. The given mental condition is capable to lead to undesirable consequences, negative for the society in whole. An individual begins to be dangerous not only for himself, but also for the surrounding people, losing the moral orientations under the conditions of traditional norms and values dithering. The youth as a transit and unstable group is mainly defenceless in front of the negative tendencies of modernity. Thus, gradually values of labor, freedom, democracy, international tolerance are neutralized. Under that avalanche criminalization of the youth takes place, numerical strength of the young people with social deviations also arouses, such as alcoholism, drug addiction, participation in extreme movements and cyberterrorism. Taking into consideration that the future is depended on the generation "Y" there appears demand in system, regulating comprehensive development of the youth potential. Formation and system effective functioning of the youth social safety of Russia and the Black Sea region countries is necessary in all spheres of the generation "Y" activity. Organization-administrative maintenance creates conditions, contributing to state of a person self-protection, social group, and community from the threats violation of their vital interests, rights, freedoms. The given process is necessary especially in political and socially-economic life for functioning of social, economic, cultural potential and also contributed to international competitive ability supplying and national security fortification. For the recent years the security problems of the young generation are in the focus of scientific community and of various levels authorities. In Russia this is reflected in realization of various social programs, such as juridical consulting, healthy lifestyle promotion, and organization of the youth international interaction, support of voluntary initiatives, assistance in employment, civic engagement increasing, and assistance delivery for the young people in difficult situations. However, in connection with alterations, taking place in the world space and in the countries of the Eastern Europe and North Asia, particularly it is necessary to consider, that the given process is out the frames of one country and requires collegial decision of countries according to the question of the modern youth security of the Black Sea post-Soviet countries.
Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования «Донской государственный технический университет»
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