Caucasus occupies special place in the Eurasian region – a unique geographical, ethno-political, ethno-cultural education. Even in ancient times through the Caucasus various trade routes moved from nomadic conquerors, here rushed brave heroes for adventure and peaceful travelers. It is a place of extraordinary accumulations of peoples, tribes, with their amazing culture, historical events and grandiose battles. Particular attention is paid to the various problems of the cultural and social life of the North Caucasus people. It is noted that the current Russian political elite does not realize enough advantage of the host of the North Caucasus as a part of the country's total population. There are no close economic and cultural ties with the peoples of the South Caucasus, the system successfully overcome the inter-state and inter-ethnic conflicts. Its usage is not enough, developed in the past and diffuse lingering in this educational, scientific and cultural and economic ties between universities, research centers, theaters, businesses and so on. At deficiency of these relationships are targeted intellectuals, youth, political elites in the anti-Russian political and military blocs, transnational corporations. One of the issues pointed out in the given article is the problem of migration. In particular, it is noted that all kinds of speculation of some researchers about the "internal migration", "aliens" from the North Caucasus are counterproductive, they are directed against the region's ethnic and cultural diversity, unity of its folk, as well as a whole Russia. Unfortunately such statements do not determine the strategy of strengthening of interethnic relations in the country, but only a superficial solution to the existing problems in this area. The challenge is to identify the deeper social and economic base of solutions to these problems and to suggest ways of their successful solution. Only in this case it is possible the successful development of the North Caucasus and to strengthen their unity.
Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования «Донской государственный технический университет»
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