Open Access BASE2015



Проанализировано действие во времени судебных правоположений общих положений судебных решений, имеющих нормативное или квазинормативное значение. Рассматрены подходы к определению направлений их действия во времени в различных правовых системах общего и континентального права. Уделено внимание ретроактивному и перспективному направлениям такого действия, принципам права, которые их обусловливают ; The given study is dedicated to the temporal effect of general judicial legal provisions. Although some amount of research (provided by T. Anakina, Y. Barabash, B. Malyshev, A. Myroshnychenko, S. Shevchuk, V. Tykhyi, Y. Todyka) has been devoted to this issue, relatively little attention has been attached to it by the Ukrainian science. Thus the major task of this research is to provide the further investigation of action in time of judicial legal provisions, including the analysis and generalization of foreign experience in this field. This paper focuses on legal provisions that are general rules contained in diverse judicial acts and that are recognized as the law or as the law interpretation and specification standards (also it focuses on the judicial provisions which invalidate the legislation rules). Different views on the nature of judicial legal provisions determine to some extent the temporal characteristics of their operation. So when legal provisions are perceived purely as interpretation of law, their temporal scope is often regarded as being the same as the scope of the relevant rules of law. The approaches may vary in cases where legal provisions are seen as the result of law detailing and law making. The author has scrutinized different approaches, existing in various legal systems. Traditionally, a precedent is considered to have a retroactive effect in common law countries. However, it is often given a prospective effect. Besides, a precedent can combine the both effects in a certain way. The author analyzes approaches to resolving these issues in the US (where prospectivity is actively used), the UK (where retroactivity is mainly applicable) and other common law systems. In civil law systems retroactivity of judgments is often limited. This paper describes the grounds for these approaches including some principles of law like legal certainty (and its component res judicata) and protection of legitimate expectations. Temporal effect of judicial acts is the result of searching the fair balance between stability of law and need to adjust it according to the changing social conditions. Solving of this dilemma often leads to establishing of different restrictions on retroactive effect of legal provisions. It often takes into account the interests of the initiators of the trial that led to changes in the case law. Judgment usually has the retroactive effect on them. The author draws parallels in the views on operation of legal provisions that exist in civil and common law systems. Defending a certain direction of their temporal effect is associated with a corresponding view on their nature. Retroactive and prospective approaches in common law doctrine are respectively associated with the declaratory and law-making theories of precedent. The continental doctrine implies such correlation with the views on legal provisions as the results of the interpretation which only detects initial meaning of legal rules, or as the result of law-detailing or even law-making activity.

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