Интегрированное развитие основных видов речевой деятельности как основа обучения иностранцев русскому языку
Рассматривается проблема взаимосвязанного развития основных видов речевой деятельности (письма, говорения, чтения и слушания) важного звена в методике обучения русскому языку как иностранному. Обосновывается необходимость учета при этом особенностей конкретной ситуации межличностного или социального взаимодействия, а также частичного или полного погружения в языковую среду исконных носителей языка. Подобный интегрированный подход определяется как значимый в процессе овладения русским языком в среде китайских носителей. ; The article analyzes the current situation regarding the Russian language teaching in China. States the facts of the annual increase in interest in the study of the Russian language in China. This is largely due to both expansion of economic and political ties between China and Russia, seen today, and especially those, implemented by the country's language policy. One of the main directions of the latter is the focus on learning the Russian language as a powerful and effective means of ensuring inter-state relations and deepening and spread in all areas of life of the citizens. The author, based on his own experience of studying Russian language, reflects on some of the ways and means of overcoming the problems related to learning the Russian language by the Chinese. The most effective method of mastering the Russian language among the Chinese native speakers is determined communicative activity approach, involving the focus on the specific situation of interpersonal or social interaction, as well as the need for partial or complete immersion in the environment of the native speakers' language. There is also the need to create teaching aids based on a comprehensive and integrated approach to the development of speech in terms of attention to all four types of it: listening, reading, writing and speaking. It is concluded that the Russian language teaching in China is extremely promising, but much remains to be done in this direction.
Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования «Томский государственный педагогический университет»
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