Научно-аналитическое обеспечение принятия решений в процессе политического планирования
Политическое планирование не сводится к подготовке и принятию управленческих решений в сфере публичной политики, обеспечивающих системный подход к достижению поставленных и согласованных целей, поскольку соответствующие процедуры имеют косвенное отношение к реальному решению проблем разного класса. Среди рутинного потока административной работы крайне сложно выделить решения, несущие в себе решимость повлиять на будущее, подчинив его определенному плану и тем интересам, которые не артикулированы, а чаще скрыты, но заложены в план. При этом заявленные цели, обеспечивающие консолидацию, зафиксированные в решении, не отражают конфликтующие интересы. Особое внимание уделено планированию в сфере отраслевой политики, где существенно возрастает наукоемкость решений, а также разделению функций и компетенций среди тех, кто участвует политическом планировании на разных его стадиях. ; The problem of political planning is one of the most important in the modern internal politics in the practice of decision-making in governance. This issue is particularly acute in Russia, where to the present day there is no tradition of mature political culture and strategic planning, like the European one. The subject of my study is specificity of the modern policy planning practice, namely the ratio of its open and backstage side, which I examine using social-philosophical approach. The political plan is not limited to the preparation and management decisions in the field of public policy, providing a systematic approach to the achievement and agreed goals, because the relevant procedures are indirectly related to the real address the problems of a different class. Among the stream of routine administrative work, it is extremely hard to identify solutions that carry the commitment to influence the future, subordinating it to a definite plan and those interests that are not articulated, and often hidden, but are incorporated in the plan. At the same time, the stated goals, providing consolidation, recorded in the decision did not reflect the conflicting interests. I pay special attention to planning in sectorial policy, which significantly increased research intensity decisions, as well as to the division of roles and competences among those who are involved in various political planning stages. Spatial planning in the EU is for me an example of the successful use of a scientific approach to domestic policy. So, I conclude it is acute important for Russia to implement this experience in governmental decision making. My general conclusion is as follows: even if it is necessary to prepare for new kind of war, as well as the looming environmental and social disasters or other hardships, and to mobilize the forces of survival can be found not only in the past, in the great tradition of national culture, but also in the future. Such source for strength is governmental strategy, i.e. clear ideas of the real long-term social goals and steps to achieve that are enshrined in state doctrine.
Автономная некоммерческая организация Научно-издательский Центр "Пространство и Время
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