Open Access BASE2015



Постановка проблемы существования интеллектуалов приводит к проблеме определения интеллектуала в политическом аспекте его роли в обществе: решение одной из этих проблем приближает к разрешению другой. Однако проблема «дефиниции интеллектуалов» в современной политической науке достаточно сложна и дискуссионна, будучи связана с полемикой, которая велась самими интеллектуалами и их критиками со времен дела Дрейфуса до 80-х 90-х гг. ХХ в., со знаменитыми дискуссиями конца «века интеллектуалов» об исчезновении, молчании, а то и смерти интеллектуалов. В настоящей статье рассматриваются именно эти споры и дискуссии и представлен анализ двух противоположных «линий» в разрешении «проблемы существования» интеллектуалов: отрицания существования интеллектуалов как активной политической силы в современной общественно-политической жизни, и утверждения потери «силы» и перехода в неактивное состояние при сохранении потенциальной возможности включения в политический процесс. ; Statement of the problem of intellectuals' existence leads to another problem. This is defining intellectual in political aspect of his role in society. Solution of these problems brings us closer to resolving the other one. However, the problem of 'defining intellectuals' in modern political science is quite complex and controversial. It is linked with polemic, in which intellectuals themselves and their critics have participated since the time of the Dreyfus affair till 1980s 1990s, as well as with the famous discussions of the end of 'century of intellectuals' about the disappearance of intellectuals, about their silence and even their 'death'. The subjects of my research are these arguments and discussions, which encountered within the space of Romanic culture, first of all French and Italian. Romanic model of interaction between culture and politics is interesting because in its frameworks culture has certain political rights and duties (I mean political effect of the realization of culture's potential in politics) Using discourse and comparative analysis, I study two opposing 'lines' in resolving 'problems of existence' of the intellectuals: (i) denying the existence of the intellectuals as an active political force in contemporary social and political life, (ii) opinion about intellectuals lost their 'force' and passed into inactive state while retaining the potential for inclusion in the political process. In turn, analysis of these two opposite points of view leads to the necessity of raising the question about the reasons for the decline of intellectuals' political activity. I suppose the key cause of such events is American meddling in the Western European cultural and political spaces that began after WWII, which led to modern cultural and political dominance of Atlanticism in Western Europe. To my mind, an opinion that intellectuals disappear, leaving (in the strict sense), as well as the opinion of diffusing or self-liquidating of the politically active social group of intellectuals is erroneous. I'm referring, rather, to their crowding out of the political scene and pushing from any kind forms of interaction with power, and much less from influence on it. This crowding out is carried thoughtfully, consistently and actively. The ideology of Atlanticism, associated with political practice, has expanded its presence in Western Europe, increasing influence in the field of political thought and culture, seeking to control the continental culture, and science to their beliefs and imperatives. This gain was difficult without 'purification' of ideological fields from a number of European ideas and principles, and without discrediting of certain forces and groups, which generate carry out and embody such ideas and principles. One of these social groups consists with Western intellectuals who were the most politically active among cultural figures. In my article, on the base of analysis of wide variety of philosophical, anthropological and culturological essays I show Romanic culture that spread its influence throughout the world, display no symptoms of extinction or impairment the importance of its 'cultural representation' in politics after World War II. From this I came to conclusion intellectuals' crowding out of social and political life of Western Europe is the result of America's 'capture of culture' in Western Europe, which was implemented in the spirit of the Antonio Gramsci's concept of hegemony.

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