Open Access BASE2012



Zbog velikih organizacionih promena koje su se u toku poslednje decenije dogodile u državi i aktuelnog društvenog trenutka, neophodno je da se društvo adekvatno određi prema odbrani kao važnoj državnoj funkciji, nivou njenog izučavanja i naučnog istraživanja i logističkoj održivosti. Uloga i značaj logističke podrške odbrane, obim i kvalitet resursa koje angažuje, potrebe u praksi, zahtevi vremena i savremene tendencije čine neophodnom potrebu da se ona tretira na višem nivou promišljanja u edukaciji, istraživanju i operativnoj praksi. Prilikom razmatranja izgrađenosti jedne nauke i rada na njenom razvoju neprekidno treba pratiti i objektivno analizirati razvoj i uticaj dominantnih oblika društvene svesti: religije, filozofije i posebnih nauka (prirodnih i društvenih), i sagledavati njene osnovne konstituense razvoja. Takođe, treba razumeti suštinu odnosa između nauke i filozofije, nauke i politike, i nauke i umetnosti. Brojni autori (pod uticajem metodološkog esencijalizma) smatraju da svaka nauka na osnovnom, najnižem stepenu razvoja (ako se izuzmu filozofske pretpostavke koje se podrazumevaju) mora da ima četiri osnovna konstituensa: predmet, teoriju, jezik i metodu. Na osnovu njihove razvijenosti, ti autori sude o stepenu naučne izgrađenosti (razvoj) konkretne nauke, odnosno naučne discipline. ; Major organizational changes occurring during the last decade in the state and the current social moment require an adequate social determination of the defense as an important state function, having in mind its qualitative level of study, scientific research and logistical sustainability. The role and importance of the logistic support of defense, range and quality of resources that it engages, the practical needs, time reguirements and current trends require a treatment of the defense at a higher level of consideration in education, research and operational practice. When considering the development level of any science and the work on its development, we should monitor continuously and analyze objectively the development and influence of the dominant forms of social consciousness religion, philosophy and particular sciences (natural and social) and review the basic constituents of the science development. It is also necessary to understand the essence of the relationship between science and philosophy, science and politics, and science and art. A large number of authors (under the influence of methodological essentialism) consider that each science at its lowest level of development (with the exception of philosophical assumptions that are implicit) must have four basic constituents: its subject, theory, language and methodology. Based on the development of the above constituents, these authors assess the level of the scientific development of the particular science, i.e. scientific discipline.

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