Open Access BASE2015



Целью данной статьи является показать потенциал власти дискурса в борьбе за номинацию, т.е. возможность смещать, заменять одни смыслы на другие, устанавливать новые смыслы, способствующие изменению картины мира адресата и управлению его сознанием, достижению часто корыстных целей. Приведены результаты прикладного лингвосо-циологического исследования когнитивных механизмов и языковых средств в борьбе за номинацию в медийном дискурсе в интернет-среде. Исследование проводилось в русле критического дискурс-анализа. Выявлено преобладание использования дискурсивных стратегий и языковых средств, способствующих аксиологическому конструированию действительности для осуществления социальной власти в современном обществе. Материалом для исследования послужили открытые данные русскоязычных социальных сетей по политико-экономическим проблемам Украины. ; The aim of this article is to show the potential of discourse power in the struggle for the nomination, i.e. ability to shift, replace meanings, establish new meanings able to change the world view of the recipient, manage to control their consciousness, achieve selfish goals. The results of applied linguistic research in cognitive mechanisms and linguistic means in the struggle for nomination in the media discourse in the Internet environment are given. The study was conducted with the critical discourse analysis means. The predominance of the use of linguistic means of promoting axiological reality construction for the implementation of social power in modern society is revealed. The material for the study is based on networks public data of social political and economic problems in Ukraine. The struggle for nomination is a widespread linguo-cognitive technology of soft power impact in global world, where the main struggle is for human minds, control over consciousness. Latest events in Ukraine marked the beginning of a new stage of infowar against Russia with the means of "soft", "hard" and "smart" powers. Info-psychological confrontation is the mail instrument of winning and maintaining the political, economic, religious power. This topical discourse technology possesses se-miotic attractiveness and cognitive power; it is directed to construct necessary result and neutralize parallel unprofitable opportunities of social world development for the customer. As a rule, two different realities, two different pictures of the world are constructed. Noam Chomsky calls it a new language usage, when words get opposite ideas. The study of cognitive mechanism of thinking, including the double thinking conception, is topical and claimed in modern informational society among cogni-tologists and other scientists studying brain, human intellectual cognitive potential development, intensification communicative human abilities. The category of a changeable sign is operated in a conflict discourse. The necessity to recognize and withstand the linguistic manipulative impact is based on the expanding power of discourse in the media space. The study of social problems from the perspective of discursive abuse of power by the media space, finding a way out of the crisis and modeling the optimal solution, according to T. van Dijk, should be the center of attention of researchers in humanities.


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