Обосновывается необходимость перехода к модели открытых инноваций в инновационной региональной политике. Основным условием перехода является институциональная среда, в частности отражение концепции открытости в базовых законах регионов в сфере инновационной деятельности. Представлены результаты анализа законов регионов участников Ассоциации инновационных регионов России на предмет соответствия реализации принципа открытости региональных инновационных систем. Выявляется ряд институциональных барьеров на пути межрегионального взаимодействия и предлагаются рекомендации по совершенствованию регионального законодательства в сфере инновационной деятельности в контексте перехода к модели открытых инноваций. ; Due to the transition of Russia to an innovative way of development need of research of realization of innovative process at various levels of economy is staticized. As the world practice of management of development of innovative systems of various level testifies, transformation of models of innovative process happens in the direction of openness. In models of the last generations paramount value is gained by strategic integration as for successful innovative activity interaction only between enterprise divisions is not enough, other sources of knowledge are necessary: universities, research centers, consumers. Thus, there is a gradual change of a paradigm of innovative development from the closed innovative practice to its new, open forms. Data of the researches confirming show that in Russia the absolute majority of innovations is developed in the companies, practically without attraction of intellectual and financial resources from the outside. With such a closed approach the company does not use external sources for creation of innovations, counts only on itself and seeks to protect innovations by the rights to intellectual property. Open innovative practice assumes active search of perspective ideas in the environment, joint researches and creation of innovations with other partners, and also strategic use of the rights to intellectual property. The main condition of transition to the model of open innovations is the corresponding institutional environment, in particular, reflection of the concept of openness in basic laws of regions in the sphere of innovative activity, normative legal acts in the sphere of intellectual property protection, interregional agreements, documents of strategic planning and program goals management, etc. The conclusion that today the given institutional base is quite poorly developed at the level of regions is drawn. In the conditions of activization of integration processes in the economic sphere the problem of harmonization of the legislation is of particular importance. One of the major limiting factors of constructive interaction of regions and formation of a uniform innovative space of the country is inconsistency and different levels of development of the institutional environment in regions. In the article the results of the analysis of the basic regional legislation are given in the sphere of innovative activity about compliance of open innovations model realization, institutional barriers on the way of interregional interaction come to light and recommendations on improvement of the relevant provisions of regional laws in the sphere of innovative activity in the transition context to open innovative systems are offered.
Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования "Национальный исследовательский Томский государственный университет
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