Open Access BASE2014



Исследуются история появления и основные функции высшего органа власти в России в XVIII в. Кабинета министров императрицы Анны Ивановны. Исследование базируется на использовании законодательных актов времен царствования Анны Ивановны, опубликованных в Полном собрании законов Российской империи, что способствует более глубокому изучению проблемы. Автор подчеркивает особую ситуацию, характерную для России послепетрвских времен, когда в помощь императору создавались новые высшие органы власти наподобие Верховного тайного совета или Кабинета министров. ; The article investigates the history of the emergence and main functions of the supreme organ of power in Russia in the XVIII century -Cabinet of Empress Anna Ivanovna. Having ascended to the throne, Anna Ivanovna knew that her position is complicated. As well as all its predecessors, who came to power after the death of Peter the Great, Empress Anna had no clear idea of how to edit it. Thus, the author emphasizes the special situation characteristic for Russian poslepetrvskih times when the emperor to help create new higher authorities, such as the Supreme Privy Council, or Cabinet. However, the article noted, and other causes of the Cabinet of Ministers, based on changes related to the evolution of absolutism in Russia in the XVIII century. The author notes that the some of the former members of the Supreme Privy Council became part of the Cabinet, suggesting preservation of his influence on public policy. In particular, it included the following former supreme lords: G.I. Golovkin and A.I. Osterman. Cabinet originally consisted of three persons: A.I. Osterman, G.I. Golovkin and A.M. Cherkassky. Research articles on pages based on the use of legislative acts of the reign of Anna Ivanovna, published in the Complete Collection of Laws of the Russian Empire, which contributes to a better understanding of the problem. On the basis of legislation the author concludes that the Cabinet fully obeyed Anna Ivanovna and received extensive rights in domestic and foreign policy, legislation, watched judicial and financial affairs, solve important administrative matters. Decision-making process in the Cabinet to investigate very difficult because there are no transcripts of its sessions. This fact attests to the impossibility to determine not only the debate, but also a personal contribution of each of the work in the office dignitaries. Office, experiencing a gradual but steady process of universalization competencies concentrated in its hands all the threads of government. In relations with colleagues Cabinet tendency to establish relations «domination-submission». The smallest changes were three boards -Military, Admiralty and Foreign Affairs, as well as the College of Justice and lands college. When Anna Ivanovna efforts and political terror in the country, the line was continued to subordinate the church to the state and the transformation of the clergy in a specific kind of autocracy obedient bureaucracy. Thus, the Cabinet of Ministers of the Empress Anna Ivanovna appears primarily administrative authority, functions and powers of which were determined by situational characteristics of the internal political situation.


Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования "Национальный исследовательский Томский государственный университет

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