Данная статья посвящена легендарной антисоветской организации, созданной детьми белоэмигрантов. Народно-трудовой союз (НТС) связал все этапы противостояния тоталитарному режиму и стал своеобразным мостом между оппозиционными кругами в СССР, российской эмиграцией и Западом. Солидаристы попытались сделать ставку не на вооружённую силу и террор, а на позитивную альтернативу коммунистическому режиму, разработать альтернативную политике КПСС программу развития России, что особенно актуально в послесоветской России. ; This article focuses on the oldest political organization of continuously exist in Russia. People's Workers' Russian solidarists Union (NTS) was created by White émigré's children. It connected all stages of Party regime opposition and became a bridge between the opposition in the USSR, the Russian emigration and the West. The Solidarists tried not to bet on armed force and terror, but a positive alternative to the communist regime, develop program of Russia's development how an alternative policy of the CPSU, which is especially important in post-Soviet Russia. The purpose of this study is a complex study of the unique experience of the NTS which can be regarded as one of the "supporting structures" of civil society. This article was used a number of empirical, political and general methods; from an institutional approach and structural-functional analysis to the comparative historical method and documents and statistics analysis. NTS was in "the forefront" of the Bolshevik regime since its founding in 1930. The solidarists linked together all three waves of post-revolutionary political émigrés and all stages of opposition to totalitarianism. Thus NTS played a significant role in communistic regime downfall. NTS maintained close ties with the literary, religious, opposition circles in the USSR because it acted illegally. The human rights component was always present in his work, but it have never been the main goal. NTS largely anticipated the human rights movement and reformism within the USSR, and then actively contributed to their formation. But Union originally sold with defenders in goals and methods because it was a non-systemic opposition. Never the less, NTS and human rights movement are similar in that contributed to the evolution of the Soviet political system by various ways. We can have different activities to assess the NTS, but no doubt that it was and remains an important institution in the Russian civil society, and made a significant contribution to the establishment of many other institutions of civil society in Russia.
Государственное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования Башкирский государственный университет
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