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Рассматриваются факторы зарождения фашистской идеологии и ее столкновение с социалистической, прежде всего, коммунистической идеологией. В историческом столкновении с коммунистической фашистская идеология предстала как антигуманная, деструктивная, как наиболее радикальная, наиболее агрессивная форма этнического национализма и гипертрофированной ксенофобии, она обусловила практику геноцида в отношении других народов и обернулась великой трагедией немецкого народа. ; Fascism as a "transpolitical phenomenon" came into being under the conditions of the systemic crisis of capitalism almost synchronically in Italy, Spain and Germany. It was a reaction of the world's imperialist bourgeoisie to the Great October Socialist Revolution and the increasing attractiveness of the ideas of socialism that it had given rise to. The ideology of the German fascism the National-Socialism is the ideology of the intentionally perverted form of socialism paradoxically combined with the aggressive anti-Communism. It ruled out the possibility of establishing a society which could be free from exploitation and social inequality, a humane and just society which could provide for a genuine freedom for everyone. Masterfully manipulating the behavior of broad social strata under the conditions of wide-spread anti-capitalist sentiment, hiding behind the anti-capitalist slogans and speaking in the language of disillusioned workers and ruined Mittelstand, the Hitlerites depicted the interests of capitalist monopolies as national interests, trying to lure the proletariat and the middle class into the struggle for the preservation of the existing social order, for the weakening and defeat of the organized workers' movement. Believing the Communists to be of "the greatest danger for the Reich", Nazists struck their major blow against the German Communist Party and the Communist Soviet Union. Despite cruel repressions, German Communists and the people of different countries united in the combat against fascism. Anti-fascists fought not only in the German Resistance, but also in the French Resistance, the Spanish International Brigades, the Italian All-Peoples Resistance Movement, in the battlefields of the World War II. The fight against fascism was the international class struggle against capitalism, against aggression and violence and the most reactionary ideology. And it was the struggle for peace and democracy, for the freedom of every person irrespective of his or her social background, race or nationality, the struggle for social justice and fraternal solidarity. It turned out that the great humanistic, constructive and truly international idea of Communism has a tremendous potential of mobilization and consolidation, because it bestows the highest sense of human actions. In the historic clash with the Communism the fascist ideology exposed itself as anti-human, destructive and vain. Being the most radical and aggressive form of ethnic nationalism and xenophobia, it engendered the hideous practice of genocide against other nationalities and turned out to become a great tragedy for the German people.


Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования "Национальный исследовательский Томский государственный университет

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