Open Access BASE2012



Рассматриваются вопросы, связанные с организацией в России в 1990-1993 гг. вертикали исполнительной власти, важной частью которой стали органы исполнительной власти краев и областей, выявляются основные противоречия этого процесса. Установлено, что на формирование вертикали исполнительной власти существенное влияние оказали переходные процессы, связанные с разработкой стратегии развития российской государственности и установлением основных государственных институтов, реализующих функции управления страной. ; The Perestroika reforms of the late 1980s in all the spheres of public life began cardinal transformation of the system of public authorities of Russia. Revival of the principle of sovereignty of the Councils and introduction of local government as an alternative of administration from above became the main content of reforms. Registration of the Russian statehood took place on June 12, 1990 when the I Congress of People's Deputies of RSFSR accepted the Declaration on the state sovereignty and some other documents, in which the principle of division of the authorities entered the political system of the country, as a basis of the democratic organisation of the state without essential changes of the Soviet political system. But, despite the declaration of independence, Russia did not develop a complete concept of reforms of all spheres of public life. The tendency to combine principles of sovereignty of the Councils and division of power when developing conceptual documents regulating the activity of bodies of the central and regional powers is distinctly traced. The created power structure based on submission of executive committees to the Councils only revealed the practical shortcomings of the system. The Councils were not adapted for operative administrative activity, and to ensure social and economic transformations in the country the next stage of political reform was carried out. The institute of the President entered the political system of the country and need of formation of executive power on the basis of one-man management and vertical hierarchy of its bodies was proved. If organizational problems of formation of the Institute of the President and the head of administration of the local government managed to be settled, the agreement over organization of executive power of regions between various political forces was impossible to achieve. Uncertainty with the order of empowerment of the head of administration of regions appointment or people's vote became the main problem. Therefore, the introduction of the post of the head of administration appointed by the President at regional levels during the August Putsch of 1991 was one of the emergency measures directed at preservation of control of the situation in regions. In the autumn of 1991 on the basis of presidential decrees the vertical of executive power headed by the President who received additional powers for management of the republic was built. Formation of the two power verticals executive and representative in the conditions of a radical economic reform and continuing uncertainty of the conceptual bases of the Russian statehood caused sharp opposition between the President and the Supreme Council for control over the activity and formation of the vertical of executive power in Russia. As a result, the President headed for development of the new Russian Constitution and elimination of the system of the Soviet power in the country.


Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования "Национальный исследовательский Томский государственный университет

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