Рассматриваются особенности сибирской журнальной периодики на примере города Томска в дореволюционный период. Приводится классификация журналов, дается краткое описание различных типов, обобщаются черты, позволяющие говорить о специфике развития журналистики в Сибири по сравнению с общероссийской ; Journalism of pre-revolutionary Siberia is inalienable part of "big" all-russian journalism and has regional specific and that appears on the typological level. In spite of Siberian journalism begins from publications of magazine type, the base of forming of system of periodical press in Siberia became newspapers "Gubernia Gazette" that were publishing in all big province cities. Magazines in Siberia began mass publishing only in the end of XIX beginning of XX centuries and it was typical for Tomsk too, Tomsk was a center of one of biggest russian provinces in pre-revolutionary period. First magazines in Tomsk became publications, that were supported by administration resource, it were initiating by power and official organizations administration of West-Siberian educational region, University, local power structures. The second many numbered group of magazines became publications of different societies in Tomsk from Tomsk society of medics to society Day Nursery. But most of significant were private publications, it differ the most thematic specter and specified character. These magazines were expected on definite purpose audience students, theatre critics, local historians and etc. These publications were made the third group of magazines that were published in Tomsk. So then in Tomsk in the end of XIX beginning of XX centuries arise a system of magazine periodicals, publications, that were a part of it, they interact and complement one another. Official information was wide and fully presents in magazines of organs of government and official organizations. Publications of different societies answered to its needs and society-political and cultural life, questions of development of regional self-awareness in Tomsk got reflection on pages of private magazines. The way that was coming by magazines in Siberian region before revolution in 1917th considerably differs from all-russian process. Siberia passed by period of thick encyclopedia magazines that consist one of unique lines of pre-revolutionary journalism in XIX century. Siberia did not have its own thick magazine and couldnt make it because of poverty of intellectual, mankind and material sources. Significance of private magazines in Tomsk can see on some levels. In first, around editorial stuffs was founding unification of journalist and literature forces. In second, private magazines realized esthetic education of own reader, presented models of new Siberian literature. In third, it was significant investment of Siberian private magazines to assimilation of local thematic and problematic. In at last, they assist of development of regional self-awareness of Siberians. Private magazines in Tomsk were important section in formation of journalism in Siberia, the base of development of literature and literature-critical processes.
Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования "Национальный исследовательский Томский государственный университет
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