Open Access BASE2006

Fuzzy motion adaptive algorithm for video de-interlacing


Comunicación presentada a la "10th International Conference, KES" celebrada en Bournemouth (UK) del 9 al 11 de Octubre del 2006.-- El pdf es la versión post-print. ; A motion adaptive algorithm for video de-interlacing is presented in this paper. It is based on a fuzzy inference system, which performs an interpolation between two linear techniques as a function of the motion level. Fuzzy systems with different number of ¿if-then¿ rules have been analyzed and compared in terms of complexity as well as efficiency in de-interlacing benchmark video sequences. ; This work has been partially funded by the project TEC2005-04359/MIC from the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science, and TIC2006-635 from the Andalusian Regional Government. The first author is supported by the Spanish Ministry of Education under the program F.P.U for Phd. students. ; Peer Reviewed







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