Open Access BASE1999

Electrical and optical properties of Be doped InP grown at low temperature by solid source atomic layer molecular beam epitaxy


Beryllium-doped InP layers have been grown by solid source atomic layer molecular beam epitaxy at low substrate temperature. The residual n-type doping was reduced by controlling both the amplitude and the length of the phosphorus pulse. We have shown a well controlled p-type doping and obtained a hole concentration in the range 4×1017–3×1019 cm−3 at room temperature. The electrical and optical properties of InP layers grown at low temperatures were investigated by Hall effect and photoluminescence (PL) measurements. PL spectra for lightly doped samples have a near band emission at 1.41 eV and Be-related emissions around 1.38 eV. ; This work was supported by Project No. TIC95-0563-C05-05 of the Spanish Government. ; Peer reviewed

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