Open Access BASE2021

Stability of imprinting and differentiation capacity in naïve human cells induced by chemical inhibition of CDK8 and CDK19


This article belongs to the Special Issue Transcriptional and Epigenetic Regulation of Pluripotency and Differentiation. ; Pluripotent stem cells can be stabilized in vitro at different developmental states by the use of specific chemicals and soluble factors. The naïve and primed states are the best characterized pluripotency states. Naïve pluripotent stem cells (PSCs) correspond to the early pre-implantation blastocyst and, in mice, constitute the optimal starting state for subsequent developmental applications. However, the stabilization of human naïve PSCs remains challenging because, after short-term culture, most current methods result in karyotypic abnormalities, aberrant DNA methylation patterns, loss of imprinting and severely compromised developmental potency. We have recently developed a novel method to induce and stabilize naïve human PSCs that consists in the simple addition of a chemical inhibitor for the closely related CDK8 and CDK19 kinases (CDK8/19i). Long-term cultured CDK8/19i-naïve human PSCs preserve their normal karyotype and do not show widespread DNA demethylation. Here, we investigate the long-term stability of allele-specific methylation at imprinted loci and the differentiation potency of CDK8/19i-naïve human PSCs. We report that long-term cultured CDK8/19i-naïve human PSCs retain the imprinting profile of their parental primed cells, and imprints are further retained upon differentiation in the context of teratoma formation. We have also tested the capacity of long-term cultured CDK8/19i-naïve human PSCs to differentiate into primordial germ cell (PGC)-like cells (PGCLCs) and trophoblast stem cells (TSCs), two cell types that are accessible from the naïve state. Interestingly, long-term cultured CDK8/19i-naïve human PSCs differentiated into PGCLCs with a similar efficiency to their primed counterparts. Also, long-term cultured CDK8/19i-naïve human PSCs were able to differentiate into TSCs, a transition that was not possible for primed PSCs. We conclude that inhibition of CDK8/19 stabilizes human PSCs in a functional naïve state that preserves imprinting and potency over long-term culture. ; Work in the laboratory of M.F.F. was funded by the Spanish Association Against Cancer (PROYE18061FERN to M.F.F.), the Asturias Government (PCTI) co-funding 2018-2022/FEDER (IDI/2018/146 to M.F.F.), Fundación General CSIC (0348_CIE_6_E to M.F.F.) and the Health Institute Carlos III (Plan Nacional de I+D+I) co-funding FEDER (PI18/01527 to M.F.F). R.G.U. is supported by the Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red de Enfermedades Raras (CIBERER). We also acknowledge support from the IUOPA-ISPA-FINBA (the IUOPA is supported by the Obra Social Cajastur-Liberbank, Spain). Work in the laboratory of M.S. was funded by the IRB and by grants from the Spanish Ministry of Economy co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund (SAF2017-82613-R), ERC (ERC-2014-AdG/669622), Banco Santander (Santander Universities Global Division), la Caixa Foundation, and Secretaria d'Universitats i Recerca del Departament d'Empresa i Coneixement of Catalonia (Grup de Recerca consolidat 2017 SGR 282). ; Peer reviewed




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