Open Access BASE2015

Casein kinase 2 negatively regulates abscisic acid-activated SnRK2s in the core abscisic acid-signaling module


SnRK2 kinases, PP2C phosphatases and the PYR/PYL/RCAR receptors constitute the core abscisic acid (ABA) signaling module that is thought to contain all of the intrinsic properties to self-regulate the hormone signal output. Here we identify Casein Kinase (CK)2 as a novel negative regulator of SnRK2. CK2 phosphorylates a cluster of conserved serines at the ABA box of SnRK2, increasing its binding to PP2C and triggering protein degradation. Consequently, CK2 action has implications on SnRK2 protein levels, as well as kinase activity and its response to abiotic stimuli. ; This work was supported by MCYT, Spain (Consolider-Ingenio 2010CSD2007-00036, BIO2009-13044); Comissionat per Universitats i Recerca de la Generalitat de Catalunya (CIRIT2009SGR626); Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (PhD grant SFRH/BD/62070/2009); and European Union Marie-Curie (Early Stage Training Fellowships MEST-CT-2005-020232-2 ADONIS). ; Peer reviewed

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