Open Access BASE2021

Hubs and clusters approach to unlock the development of carbon capture and storage – Case study in Spain


Many countries have assigned an indispensable role for carbon capture and storage (CCS) in their national climate change mitigation pathways. However, CCS deployment has stalled in most countries with only limited commercial projects realised mainly in hydrocarbon-rich countries for enhanced oil recovery. If the Paris Agreement is to be met, then this progress must be replicated widely, including hydrocarbon-limited countries. In this study, we present a novel source-to-sink assessment methodology based on a hubs and clusters approach to identify favourable regions for CCS deployment and attract renewed public and political interest in viable deployment pathways. Here, we apply this methodology to Spain, where fifteen emission hubs from both the power and the hard-to-abate industrial sectors are identified as potential CO2 sources. A priority storage structure and two reserves for each hub are selected based on screening and ranking processes using a multi-criteria decision-making method. The priority source-to-sink clusters are identified indicating four potential development regions, with the North-Western and North-Eastern Spain recognised as priority regions due to resilience provided by different types of CO2 sources and geological structures. Up to 68.7 Mt CO2 per year, comprising around 21% of Spanish emissions can be connected to clusters linked to feasible storage. CCS, especially in the hard-to-abate sector, and in combination with other low-carbon energies (e.g., blue hydrogen and bioenergy), remains a significant and unavoidable contributor to the Paris Agreement's mid-century net-zero target. This study shows that the hubs and clusters approach can facilitate CCS deployment in Spain and other hydrocarbon-limited countries. ; Funding was provided by the Grup Consolidat de Recerca "Geologia Sedimentària" (2017SGR-824) and the DGICYT Spanish Project PGC2018-093903-B-C22. XS acknowledges funding by the China Scholarship Council for a PhD scholarship (201806450043). JA is funded by MICINN (Juan de la Cierva fellowship - IJC2018-036074-I). EGR acknowledges funding provided by MICINN ("Ramón y Cajal" fellowship RYC2018-026335-I). VV acknowledges funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union's Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Program through the Starting Grant GEoREST ( (Grant agreement No. 801809). IDAEA-CSIC is a Centre of Excellence Severo Ochoa (Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, Project CEX2018-000794-S). NH is funded by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) funded research project "HyStorPor" (EP/S027815/1). SH and AC are funded by EPSRC EP/P026214/1 UKCCSRC 2017, and EU project 837754 - STRATEGY CCUS. DVM is funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities ("Beatriz Galindo Senior" fellowship BEAGAL18/00259). GJ is funded by the University of Strathclyde Faculty of Engineering. ; Peer reviewed

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