Open Access BASE2020

Anomalous relative intensity noise transfer in ultralong random fiber lasers


9 pags., 7 figs., 1 tab. ; We present, for the first time, an experimental demonstration of RIN noise transfer dampening at low frequencies in random distributed feedback ultralong Raman fibre lasers based on conventional telecommunication fibres. Furthermore, we present a thorough theoretical description of the phenomenon and demonstrate how our model can be used to predict the observed behaviour, identifying the general requirements for system improvement through RIN transfer reduction. ; Comunidad de Madrid (AEI/FEDER funds TALENTO-CM 2017-T2/TIC-5227, SINFOTON2- CM (S2018-NMT/4326)); Horizon 2020 Framework Programme (Marie Sklodowska-Curie—748839); LAPHIA (Lasers and Photonics in Aquitaine); Conseil Régional d'Aquitaine (2017-1R50302- 00013493); Universidad de Alcalá (CCG19/IA-051); Spanish Government (PID2019-107270RBC22, RTI2018-RTI2018-097957-B-C33).




Optical Society of America



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