Open Access BASE2018

Inflammation in metabolically healthy and metabolically abnormal adolescents: The HELENA study


On behalf of the HELENA study group. ; [Background and aims] Inflammation may influence the cardio-metabolic profile which relates with the risk of chronic diseases. This study aimed to assess the inflammatory status by metabolic health (MH)/body mass index (BMI) category and to assess how inflammatory markers can predict the cardio-metabolic profile in European adolescents, considering BMI. [Methods and results] A total of 659 adolescents (295 boys) from a cross-sectional European study were included. Adolescents were classified by metabolic health based on age- and sex-specific cut-off points for glucose, blood pressure, triglycerides, high density cholesterol and BMI. C-reactive protein (CRP), tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α), interleukin (IL-6), complement factors (C3, C4) and cell adhesion molecules were assessed. [Results] Metabolically abnormal (MA) adolescents had higher values of C3 (p < 0.001) and C4 (p = 0.032) compared to those metabolically healthy (MHy). C3 concentrations significantly increased with the deterioration of the metabolic health and BMI (p < 0.001). Adolescents with higher values of CRP had higher probability of being in the overweight/obese-MH group than those allocated in other categories. Finally, high C3 and C4 concentrations increased the probability of having an unfavorable metabolic/BMI status. [Conclusions] Metabolic/BMI status and inflammatory biomarkers are associated, being the CRP, C3 and C4 the most related inflammatory markers with this condition. C3 and C4 were associated with the cardio-metabolic health consistently. ; The HELENA Study was supported by the European Community Sixth RTD Framework Programme (Contract FOOD-CT-2005-007034) and the Stockholm County Council. This analysis was also supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (JCI-2010-07055) and the gs4:European Regional Development Fund (FEDER). CCS is supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (BES-2014-068829). FBO is supported by a grant from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (RYC-2011-09011). AIR was funded by a Juan de la Cierva-Formación stipend from the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness of the Spanish Government (FJCI-2014-19795). ; Peer Reviewed

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