Open Access BASE2013

Widening the pH Activity Profile of a Fungal Laccase by Directed Evolution


Unnatural selection: A fungal laccase was tailored by directed evolution to be active at neutral/alkaline pH. After five generations, the final mutant showed a broader pH profile while retaining 50 to 80 % of its activity at neutral pH. ; This study was based upon work funded by the EU Projects [NMP4‐SL‐2009–229255–3D‐Nanobiodevice, FP7‐KBBE‐2010–4–26537‐Peroxicats and COST Action CM0701] and a project of the Spanish Government [BIO2010–19697]. P.T.S. was supported by a grant from the "Comunidad de Madrid" and D.M.M. was supported by a JAE‐CSIC grant. ; Peer Reviewed

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