Combustion and reforming of liquid fossil fuels through chemical looping processes: integration of chemical looping processes in a refinery
Oil refining processes demand and use vast quantities of energy and thus are responsible for the emission of a great deal of CO2. In addition, hydrogen is used in oil refineries for hydrodesulfurization and hydrocraking processes. In this sense, the integration of Chemical Looping technology in an oil refinery using vacuum residues as fuel could drive to significant reductions in CO2 emissions. In this work, Chemical Looping Combustion (CLC) and Chemical Looping Reforming (CLR) experiments have been carried out in a continuously operated 1 kWth unit using a Cu- and Ni-based oxygen carrier, respectively. Diesel, synthetic and mineral lubricant oil were used as fuels as a previous step to the use of low grade residues. Regarding Chemical Looping Combustion conditions, almost 100% of combustion efficiency and full carbon capture were obtained at low oxygen carrier-to-fuel molar ratios (ϕ≥1.6). Regarding Chemical Looping Reforming conditions, a syngas containing a H2 concentration over 50 vol.% in dry basis was obtained with the additional advantage of reaching 100% CO2 capture efficiency in the process. In all cases, syngas composition obtained was close to the given by the thermodynamic equilibrium. These results provide a basis for concluding that the integration of Chemical Looping processes for heat/steam and hydrogen production in an oil refinery is feasible and could lead to significant environmental advantages. ; This work was partially supported by the Spanish Ministry for Science and Innovation (MICINN, project ENE2011-26354, ENE2014-56857-R), European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and by the Government of Aragón (Spain, DGA ref. T06). A. Serrano also thanks the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness for the F.P.I. fellowship. ; Peer reviewed
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