Open Access BASE2017

Ethnobotany, Phylogeny, and 'Omics' for Human Health and Food Security


5 p. -- Postprint del artículo publicado en Trends in Plant Science. Versión revisada y corregida (difiere de la versión publicada en pequeños retoques en la redacción realizados por la revista) -- ; Here, we propose a new term, 'ethnobotanical convergence', to refer to the similar uses for plants included in the same node of a phylogeny. This phylogenetic approach, together with the 'omics' revolution, shows how combining modern technologies with traditional ethnobotanical knowledge could be used to identify potential new applications of plants. ; T.G. and J.V. were supported by the Catalan Government project 2014SGR514 and the Spanish Government projects CSO2014-59704-P and CGL2013-49097-C2-2-P. J. P. was supported by the European Research Council Synergy grant SyG-2013-610028 IMBALANCE-P, the Spanish Government project CGL2013-48074-P, and the Catalan Government project 2014SGR274. ; Peer reviewed

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