Revisiting graphene oxide chemistry via spatially-resolved electron energy loss spectroscopy
The type and distribution of oxygen functional groups in graphene oxide and reduced graphene oxide remain still a subject of great debate. Local analytic techniques are required to access the chemistry of these materials at a nanometric scale. Electron energy loss spectroscopy in a scanning transmission electron microscope can provide the suitable resolution, but GO and RGO are extremely sensitive to electron irradiation. In this work we employ a dedicated experimental set-up to reduce electron illumina- tion below damage limit. GO oxygen maps obtained at a few nanometres scale show separated domains with diferent oxidation levels. The C/O ratio varies from about 4:1 to 1:1, the latter corresponding to a complete functionalization of the graphene flakes. In RGO the residual oxygen concentrates mostly in regions few tens nanometres wide. Specific energy-loss near-edge structures are observed for diferent oxidation levels. By combining these findings with first principles simulations we propose a model for the highly oxidized domains where graphene is fully functionalized by hydroxyl groups forming a 2D-sp3 carbon network analogous to that of graphane. ; AT, AZ and OS acknowledge support from the Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR), program of future investment TEMPOS-CHROMATEM (No. ANR-10-EQPX-50). The work has also received funding from the European Union in Seventh Framework Programme (No. FP7/2007 -2013) under Grant Agreement No. n312483 (ESTEEM2). AMB and WKM are grateful for Financial support from the Spanish Ministry MINECO and the European Regional development Fund (project ENE2013-48816-C5-5-R) and from the Regional Government of Aragon and the European Social Fund (DGA-ESF-T66 Grupo Consolidado). The authors are grateful to P. Launois, S. Rouziere and C.P. Ewels for useful discussion. ; Peer reviewed
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