Open Access BASE2014

Fundamental aspects of the nucleic acid i-motif structures


The i-motif structure is formed in cytosine-rich sequences, its building block being the cytosine·cytosine + base pair. This structure is particularly stable at pH values below physiological (∼7.4) and, because of that, it has not attracted as much biological interest as other non-canonical structures such as the G-quadruplex. Nowadays, the proposal of potential roles in vivo, as well as nanotechnological applications, has produced an increasing interest in its study. In this context, the present work provides an overall picture of the i-motif structure. Those aspects related to formation and stability, such as chemical modifications or the interaction with ligands, are discussed. Special attention has been made to the i-motif structures that could have a hypothetical role in vivo, such as those present near the promoter region of several oncogenes. ; We acknowledge funding from the Spanish government (CTQ2012-38616-C02-02 and CTQ-2010-20541-C03). Sanae Benabou thanks the Spanish Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad for a PhD grant. ; Peer reviewed

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